Art of Time Management: Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars

Philip Richardson
3 min readJun 15, 2023


Most students have a lot on their plates when they reach high school. They must balance rigorous academic classes with extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs. The key to success in both is effective time management. It is about completing the most important tasks first, eliminating distractions and knowing when to take breaks.

1. Make a Schedule

Whether you use an app or a pen and paper, take a few minutes at the beginning of each day to map out your schedule for the next day. Knowing how many hours you have available and what tasks you need to complete will help you stay organized throughout the day and achieve maximum productivity.

Extracurricular activities are great assets to students and allow them to develop essential life skills like leadership and responsibility. However, students must remember that academics come first.

You can prioritize and boost your productivity by identifying and scheduling the most important tasks around your academic responsibilities. Prioritizing will also help you avoid distractions and procrastination. Consider utilizing incentives to motivate yourself to stay on track.

2. Prioritize

If you’re juggling schoolwork and extracurriculars, knowing your priorities is crucial. Prioritizing allows you to complete your work on time, giving you more time for fun activities and avoiding burnout.

To prioritize, start by scheduling your assignments and events on a calendar. Make sure to include deadlines and important dates for both schoolwork and extracurriculars. When deciding which activities to prioritize, remember that academics always come first. College admissions officers are more concerned with your GPA than if you’re on the track team or in a book club.

Also, don’t forget to plan study sessions for major tests beforehand. You can also consult with dom study or another similar helpful resource for optimal results. This will help you do well on them without cramming the week or night before. When it comes to the arts, try to focus on creating rather than marketing.

3. Set Limits

Often, students will have to balance multiple extracurricular activities and academics throughout high school. These activities can take up many students ‘ limited free time, from sports teams and clubs to academic competitions and summer programs.

Knowing how many hours you can spend a week on each responsibility is important. That way, you can make sure you don’t overcommit yourself.

Using a time management system like SMART (Sensible, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) can help you prioritize tasks and get them done quickly. For example, if you have an assignment due soon, you might want to focus on that first. However, if you have the time to do it later, feel free to spend that time on something else.

4. Ask for Help

When it comes to balancing academics and extracurricular activities, students will not always be able to follow their perfect plan. Sometimes, students need to focus more on their schoolwork — such as midterms, finals or big projects and essays.

If a student knows ahead of time that they will have to spend more time on schoolwork, they should try to adjust their schedule accordingly. This may mean skipping a club meeting or missing out on a sports game to concentrate more on their academics.

Having a good system of organization is key to successful time management. Buy or make a planner and write down all your responsibilities, events and deadlines so you can easily track them.

5. Take Breaks

If you’re studying or working on a creative project for an extended period of time, try taking breaks at regular intervals. This will help you stay focused and boost productivity. It will also prevent you from burning out.

Distractions are the biggest time-wasters, so try to minimize them as much as possible. Turn off your phone, close your email and avoid social media during work hours.

The right balance between academics and extracurricular activities is crucial to your college experience. Extracurricular activities help shape your personality, cultivate your skills and transform your abilities. They should not, however, come at the expense of your academics. Learning the art of time management is essential to a successful college career. It will benefit you throughout the rest of your life.



Philip Richardson

A senior copywriter and a professional email marketer, specialize in email marketing. Experienced writing web content for digital publications.