“Napoleon the Great” by Andrew Roberts: A Comprehensive Biography of a Complex Leader

Phil Allen
3 min readSep 19, 2023


Napoleon Bonaparte’s life and legacy are expertly described in Andrew Roberts’ book “Napoleon the Great,” which is based on extensive research. This 2014 publication provides readers with a thorough examination of Napoleon’s ascent to power, his military wars, his rule, and his long-lasting influence on the world. We shall go into the book’s main themes and its representation of Napoleon’s nuanced character in this review.

Synopsis and Main Themes

Napoleon Bonaparte, who came from modest Corsican origins to become one of the most significant figures in global history, is portrayed in “Napoleon the Great” in a fair and thorough manner. From Napoleon’s early years in Corsica to his spectacular rise as a military genius and ruler of France, Andrew Roberts takes readers on a voyage through the turbulent years of Napoleon’s life.

The biography’s major themes and features include:

Napoleon’s Military Genius: Roberts carefully analyzes Napoleon’s military campaigns, demonstrating his tactical innovation, strategic genius, and outstanding battlefield accomplishments. Napoleon’s influence on warfare and his capacity to cultivate loyalty in his troops are highlighted by the author.

Political Leadership: The biography looks at how Napoleon ruled France and the lands he annexed. Roberts delves into Napoleon’s judicial reforms, administrative changes, and attempts to modernize France’s institutions.

Complex Character: The book paints a complex picture of Napoleon, highlighting both his virtues and faults. Roberts explores Napoleon’s authoritarian inclinations, ego, and the human cost of his victories while acknowledging the dictator’s charisma, ambition, and vision.

The creation of Napoleon’s public image and the growth of the Napoleonic legend are also topics covered by Roberts. He investigates how Napoleon’s story has evolved through time, influenced by both supporters and critics.

Napoleon’s influence on Europe is examined in the biography, from the dissemination of revolutionary ideas through the redresing of international boundaries and the founding of the Napoleonic empire. Roberts also talks on Napoleon’s rule’s long-term effects.

Analysis and Reception

The biography of Napoleon Bonaparte by Andrew Roberts has won praise from both academics and lay readers. Napoleon’s life and career are covered in detail and with authority because to the author’s careful research, thorough use of authentic sources, and fair treatment of his subject.

The book’s ability to accurately depict Napoleon’s complexity is one of its strong points. Napoleon is presented by Roberts as a guy who is both brilliant and flawed, giving readers a nuanced and sympathetic view of this mysterious historical person. The biography is acceptable for a wide audience because of the author’s interesting and approachable writing style.

Although the book provides a thorough account of Napoleon’s life, detractors have noted that it occasionally lacks the depth and insight that certain scholarly readers desire. Additionally, as with any biography, different people may interpret Napoleon’s behavior and character in different ways. As a result, some readers may find some aspects of Roberts’ portrayal to be too sympathetic or too critical.

Legacy and Significance

The publication of “Napoleon the Great” has enhanced Andrew Roberts’ standing as a distinguished historian and biographer. The book adds to the wealth of writing about Napoleon Bonaparte, but it stands out for its in-depth analysis of the general’s military battles and attention to the real Napoleon.

Beyond its scholastic significance, the book offers general readers an approachable introduction to Napoleon’s life and time. It illuminates the complexity and diversity of historical figures as well as the long-lasting effects they can have on society.

In conclusion, “Napoleon the Great” is a well-regarded and thorough biography of Napoleon Bonaparte that provides readers with a fair and interesting examination of his life, military prowess, leadership, and legacy. It is a useful addition to the literature on one of history’s most fascinating and powerful leaders because of Andrew Roberts’ rigorous research and approachable writing style.

