“Rewired: The McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI” by Eric Lamarre, Kate Smaje, and Rodney W. Zemmel.

Phil Allen
3 min readSep 27, 2023


The book “Rewired” provides a thorough manual for dealing with digital transitions, which frequently seem to stall out or fail to yield the anticipated results for many businesses. It was written by top McKinsey Digital executives Eric Lamarre, Kate Smaje, and Rodney W. Zemmel, and offers a road map for businesses looking to use technology wisely to improve customer experiences, cut costs, and generate long-term value.

One of the main takeaways from the book is that, when it comes to digital transformation, there are no short fixes; rather, the solution rests in fundamentally changing how a business functions. In order to do this, hundreds or even thousands of teams must be given the authority to continuously use technology. Creating organizational capabilities that can advance the business in the digital race is the ultimate objective.

Rewired” is divided into six thorough sections, each of which provides useful advice and suggestions for taking action:

Making the Transformation Roadmap: This section describes the critical actions to take in order to create an understandable and practical roadmap for your digital transformation journey.

Building a Talent Bench: Having the proper talent is essential for success in the digital era. Find out how to draw in, develop, and keep the talent you need to propel your transformational initiatives.

Adopting a New Operating Model: Consider how to update your company’s operating structure to meet the needs of the digital era.

Making a Distributed Technology Environment: In order to encourage creativity, it is essential to make a space where teams can use technology to experiment and invent successfully.

Discover methods for integrating data into every aspect of your business to enable data-driven insights and decision-making in Embedding Data Everywhere.

Learn how to make sure that the changes you implement are accepted by users across the business and that they result in scalable improvements in “Unlocking User Adoption and Enterprise Scaling.”

The book makes use of the vast experience and knowledge of McKinsey Digital to give a tried-and-true playbook that has been tried, improved, and iterated over time. It provides readers with a wide range of useful tools, such as diagnostic evaluations, operating model designs, schematics of the technology and data architecture, checklists, best practices, and thorough implementation procedures.

Rewired” stands out for its dedication to real-world relevance. The authors provide various case studies to illustrate their points and offer real-world instances of transitions that have been effective. The book also includes over 100 exhibits to aid readers in visualizing and understanding the subjects covered.

In conclusion, “Rewired” is a priceless tool for businesses attempting to negotiate the treacherous terrain of digital change. It offers a thorough and practical manual that, by rewiring operations, encouraging innovation, and providing excellent customer experiences, may help businesses succeed in the digital age.

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