3 Reasons Drinking An Innocent Bottle Of Wine A Night Is Bad News
What Is A Large Glass Of Wine Anyway?
Is drinking a bottle of wine a night a sign you’re drinking too much? Of course, it is.
No, I’ve never thought of myself as an alcoholic. Big social drinker, of course.
This invisible addiction made me feel good at the time, but the reality was like being in an abusive relationship.
Admitting you’ve got a problem and getting help is the first step.
Me, well, I discovered I had liver disease, and I stopped in an instant.
So what happened to the innocent vino? The wine lied to me.
3. Wine Is Easy Peasy
And then there’s the fact that wine can be straightforward to drink in large quantities without you realizing it.
If you look down at your glass and notice that three empty bottles are next to it, you realize this was the fourth glass-and you weren’t even aware of it!
Oops, did I mean a glass or bottle? You get the point.
One bottle fades into a glass, and then another bottle.