5 Laser Coaching Questions You Must Use And Why They Work Brilliantly

Phil Roberts
2 min readNov 18, 2022

I’ve been coaching for a long time, and I’ve learned that you can’t just throw random questions at your clients and expect them to get results.

And that’s especially true if you are a new manager coaching your team.

It’s all a bit scary!

That’s why I’ve chosen 5 laser coaching questions that work brilliantly in the workplace, not some book or fairytale scenario.

1. “What do you need to move forward?”

This question is great because it forces your “client” to stop and think about what they want.

Sometimes people are so busy trying to meet other people’s expectations that they forget their goals.

This question will help them reconnect with what they’re after.

2. “How will you know when [goal] has happened?”

I like this question because it helps us create a plan for success by defining where we want to end up.

It also ensures we’re not just floating along aimlessly without direction or purpose.



Phil Roberts

Author of The Imposter Syndrome On Audible I Radio Presenter @ Cheshire's Mix 56 I N.L.P Coach l phil@philrobertsmedia.com l philwrites.substack.com