How To Give A Compliment Without Sounding Over Sentimental

As a manager, it is crucial to your success

Phil Roberts
4 min readJun 2, 2022

Compliments are quickly becoming a lost art, especially in the workplace. And yes, they can be taken the wrong way.

Sure, it seems easy to compliment something. And yet, too often, they're filled with fluff and are meaningless. What's worse?

They can come across as over-sentimental if you don’t know what you’re talking about or why you’re saying it in the first place.

So you sexy beast, here are a few strategies on how to give a person at work a compliment without sounding over-sentimental:

Be specific.

When you want to compliment someone, give them specific praise.

Don't just say: "You're great."

"You're beautiful."

"You're the best."

"You're amazing."

Or even… "You're perfect."



Phil Roberts

Author of The Imposter Syndrome On Audible I Radio Presenter @ Cheshire's Mix 56 I N.L.P Coach l l