How to Master Verbal Self-Defence At Work In 3 Easy Steps

Phil Roberts
3 min readNov 28, 2023
Image: Oneinchpunch ( Canva Pro)

So you're a bright new manager or leader who never gets attacked, right?

Hold that fairytale thought.

We all wish for an invisibility cloak or a rewind button in those awkward moments. Guess what?

We know that won't happen. Is there a better way? Oh, yeah! It's called verbal self-defence.

You don't have to fire counterattacks like crazy!

You have to stay calm, confident, and not get sucked into the status games sandpit.

You've got to cultivate an air of 'don't mess with me' to keep potential bullies away.

What do you do at work to master verbal self-defence? I've got 3 clever tricks for you today.

Always Attack Back With A Smile

Step 1: Be Curiously Assertive

I know you're probably thinking: "What on earth is curiously assertive?"

It's all about projecting confidence while keeping a light tone of voice.

For example, Stev from accounting keeps interrupting you in a team meeting, making…



Phil Roberts

Author of The Imposter Syndrome On Audible I Radio Presenter @ Cheshire's Mix 56 I N.L.P Coach l Contact