The Carrot and Stick Dilemma

And its really no big deal

Phil Roberts
3 min readMar 17, 2022

The carrot or the stick? Are you more “carrot” or “stick”?

Maybe you’re like me, and you’re a carrot-stick hybrid.

What nonsense is this?

And why does it matter? When it comes to achievement, it is a big part of self-awareness. And yet, if you have Imposter Syndrome, you might make it a point of criticism.

But it’s a human trait. Love it and explore it.

We all know the carrot and the stick.

They are two ways of motivating ourselves — the carrot being the promise of reward and the stick being the threat of punishment.

It’s a debate going on for decades, maybe even centuries. So which is better to motivate us: the carrot or the stick?

I don’t think either is better. However, it depends on who you are and what kind of goals you set.

If your goal is to lose weight, which one do you think will work better?



Phil Roberts

Author of The Imposter Syndrome On Audible I Radio Presenter @ Cheshire's Mix 56 I N.L.P Coach l l