This Image Is One From The Collection

Are “Angels” Real?

Philip Holt
6 min readApr 22, 2022

Using A.I. software to create N.F.T. Collection to mirror my amazing near death experience.

Succeeded but what happened after was amazing.

I wanna tell you a story, of amazing images and surreal experiences undertaken when I had a triple by-pass and heart valve replacement.

This was incredible enough, but, what happened when I reproduced these images using A.I. software was even more fascinating.

So, onward to the story.

After suffering through shortage of breath and sharp chest pains I was diagnosed with heart problems and needed open heart surgery to correct 3 blocked arteries and a dodgy heart valve.

It was when I was under the knife things got very surreal…

Last thing I remember was the operating staff removing my wedding ring.

Now, most tales of near death experiences involves seeing white lights and tunnels etc.

This was way more psychedelic and freaky than that.

I saw my wife of over 40 years Joyce, she was floating inside life sized transparent bubbles and surrounded by amorphous shapes which were “Angel” like in appearance and hovering on clouds of multi colored fog.

She exuded an intense calm and it was a very poised scene.

In my hand was a needle, which was huge, like an old fashioned jousting lance.

I proceeded to pierce Joyce’s bubbles and was immediately “drenched” in tremendous joy, a feeling of complete and utter contentment.

Imagine the best feeling you have ever had, multiply it a hundred fold, then, you will be close to the feelings I had at that moment.

After the release of all this joy, indistinct contours surrounded me and carried me aloft.

These I took to be “Angels” although they were not the usual ones you see in most art.

Rather, they were constantly changing shapes of brilliant hues and fluorescent in their details. Some were “Angel” like,

“Angel” Like Image But Some Were More Amorphous.

The overall sense of joy and contentment were attached to the shapes.

I felt no fear, just serenity, absorbed into every pore of my body.

These images will remain burned on my retina forever.

These “Angels” deposited me on a glass platform, which looked holographic, this then softly sank into a kaleidoscopic cloud.

Now, Did I think these images were from “God”.

As an agnostic I did not countenance this as the existence of a higher power.

But, who knows for sure?

What I did believe is that they were shown to me for a reason and something was compelling me to share these images somehow.

Recovery Phase.

I awoke in super intensive care.

Journey to “Strangeville” over.

Or, was it?

In the recovery ward all the staff commented on how happy I seemed to be.

This was true, my face was beaming. Now, this could be because I had survived a major operation and was grateful to be alive. But, I still held memories of my “visitations” and these were imbibing me with joyous feelings.

5 Days later, I was home and the world seemed more colorful and vibrant than before. Each sound of bird life was more pronounced and the flowers were amazing in their electrifying intensity.

But. The strangeness was not over.

Something was now driving me to reproduce these images.


I don’t know.

Now my my drawing skills are on a par with a Kangaroo wearing boxing gloves IE. non existent.

After hours of research I stumbled upon A.I. Software which when inputting a text phrase, produces images, and art from this.

The technological aspects are beyond my comprehension but eventually it worked.

The first image, after 45 minutes of waiting looked dire.

First image produced by the software

Like a badly painted Picasso but with no discernible “Angel“ like features.

After 600 plus tries, I got a decent image that looked close to what I saw in my visions.

Then, the good news is that the software “learns” and each subsequent image was 100 times better than the previous ones.

A More Amorphous Image Closely Resembling The “Angels” I Saw.


Strangeness time again.

For some reason I “Knew” I could only produce 26 “Original” images and then I must stop.

I do not know why?

But. Even stranger. I must put these 26 “Originals” through yet another software, which applied filters to see if this enhanced, or reduced the feelings of joy I experienced.

Again, no idea why?

But… The results were amazing and surprising.

A lot of the art seemed completely different to the “Originals”.

You Will Have To See The Whole Collection To Notice The Difference In Styles

Although the first image seemed to be the most powerful, almost all of the filtered images held their own different facets. Each one was still, to my eyes powerful and held their own feelings of intense joy.

But, this is still not the strangest part of my story.

I put all 385 images (Yes, a strange number) into a file and used that as a screensaver for my laptop.

Each time I saw the new rotated image I began to see even stranger, hidden shapes. Every slide I saw had new aspects I had not seen previously, each carrying their own power. Incredibly moving, totally unexpected.

But, even stranger.

I began to have a run of good luck. Only small, so far, but still spooky.

A refund of $183.29 from “The Federal Trade Commission” for a scheme I was involved in 4 Years ago.

I had been waiting 14 months for a driving document, this turned up.

A parcel that was sent from the UK. and supposedly had been sent back turned up.

All this in the same week I put the screensaver on my laptop…Spooky

Maybe this is all a coincidence but I do not think so.

Something is driving me to reproduce these “Visions” and get them to a wider audience.

So, How does a 66 year old who has just survived a heart attack do this?

First of all I had to make a web site complete with video to tell my story.

Write an article on Medium. A first for me.

Open a Twitter account to try and publicize the collection.

Make a video on YouTube .

Then figure out how to sell them.

Again. I had no knowledge of how to do this and had to google for hours and days to learn what to do.

In summary this is what I came up with after almost 6 months of work.

On the website below you can watch a video of my experience and there you will find a purple button which will take you to the collection.

Web site:

The you tube link below just shows the video. In the description you will find a link to the collection page.

You tube video link…

If you want to go straight to the collection the link is below.

On the collection page you will find a search function. If you search originals this will take you the most powerful images, but, I stress I was surprised at the intensity of the filtered versions.

Why have I made this article?

I wanted my experience opened up to a wider audience.

It may be of comfort to some people who maybe undergoing the same operation.

I certainly feel I am in better place because of this incident.

But. To be honest it is not my conscious decision to do this.

Some “Power” is driving me to do this.


My belief is that whatever is driving me has some hidden purpose.

I find I do not care if they sell or not, but maybe the “Power” does?

My only criteria is if anybody does purchase they let me know of any strange occurrences good or bad.

Take care and Good Luck.

