How the Consumer Mindset Keeps You Poor

Put Passion over Consumerism

Phoebe Miller
2 min readOct 10, 2023
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

The consumer mindset keeps you poor, leaving you constantly longing for more and preventing you from appreciating what you already have.

No, this will not be a rant about how we should stop striving for more; in fact, having aspirations is great.

However, our goals are often driven by consumerism.

We want something not because we are passionate about it or because it makes us happy, but more often than not, we desire things simply for the sake of consuming them.


When asked to define consumerism, this is Chat GPT’s answer:

Consumerism is a social and economic ideology that places a strong emphasis on the acquisition and consumption of goods and services as a means to achieve happiness, status, and fulfillment. It is characterized by the constant pursuit of material possessions and the belief that increased consumption leads to a higher quality of life.

Through this definition, we can see that consumerism aims to achieve happiness and fulfillment alongside status.

However, here lies the big question behind consumerism: Is this happiness real, or is it merely a result of the flood of chemicals in the brain that occurs when we make a purchase? Is it genuine happiness or just the satisfaction of conforming to the norms of this consumerism-driven world?

Isn’t consumerism simply a form of materialism? If so, how can it bring happiness? In the end, consuming does not bring lasting happiness, at least that’s what I’ve observed.


Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash

True happiness stems from a genuine passion for life.

Consumerism keeps us financially constrained, unsuccessful, and unmotivated. It accentuates the economic deficiencies we have and feeds on human greed.

Once we develop a passion for life, we can break free from this vicious cycle.

We won’t feel like we don’t belong or that we lack something.

Passion is something that cannot be lacking; it is what propels the world forward.

Instead of fixating on consumption and remaining in a state of the lack-mentality, we should redirect our focus and energy toward living a life filled with passion.

Let’s not do things solely for consumeristic or materialistic reasons; let’s live life fueled by our passion for it.

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Phoebe Miller

all about improving ourselves while staying present and embracing our internal world