3 min readMar 17, 2015

‘Shakespeare is not famous because he put a good phrase together-its because he had great stories to tell woven with great phrases’

location and date: New York City,2000

A group of women, 100 black veils, Quiet vigils haunting the streets of new york ever since..

Black power screams through Paul's’ Fusco at a first glance. Acknowledging that black is power because being black comes with leadership power and control to demand continuation if you have power over the black race and also the poor especially in the united states where there caught in a terrible trap,whereby the complexion feels the same but the crime automatically stands out and their innocence completely forgotten. even though it symbolizes and displays the mourning but the power hence this black and whit images creating a bigger impact to the audience this including the bravery and strength of the women in the community.

Praying for justice has failed. the women appeared at rallies with a lot of happy faced photos of those murdered by the police sort of juxtaposing the idea of celebrating their life here but also mourning the unfair treatment by the police system and its cruelty being emphasized on due to how innocent looking the happy pictures are. the rallies included genuine mourning with its melancholic impact infecting the community keeping in mind that the police violence towards the black community is not something new but instead recurrent and overly repeated news.

To be harassed, humiliated and hospitalized by the people they have been forced to believe or rather society has been forced to believe, protect them safe and keep them safe since creche/kindergarten and if a woman cant do the job all the time who else are they left to trust to protect their children.

Pain that cannot be assuaged hardens to a dagger’s point ad they solemnly count off the 41 gun shots it took for the police officers to feel safe against one unarmed black man.’

How can one black man cause such fear and make four officers feel that threatened could be an indicator of how powerful the black race is subconscious due to JUST the color of our skin and our heritage.

Another day another protest. noting how it would have been completely different if it was men protesting, for violence would have been instilled but the more reason why women created more of an impact at demonstrations. the sympathy towards women already is something naturally instilled in any human cause life came from the woman. also because a woman gives life to a child and having to lose one through such unfair innocence is unbearable for a mother. further more the moaning and weeping of a woman makes the audience feel immediate compassion and sympathy that is not forced and is naturally brought out when going through Paul Fusco’s pictures

by UrbaTree.

