“Imagine the coolest jacket you can come up with…”

Phoebe Heess
3 min readJan 2, 2022

…and then we will make its digital counterpart so appealing, that you won’t want the physical version.”

Through this mechanism, we want to supply evidence that it is possible to shift consumerism to web3 and therefore give the planet a much needed break.

But why starting with an Akira inspired jacket?

Nerds are going to rule the world. They are the ones literally making the rules for web3 right now. And Akira, for me, is the start of nerd culture.

To combine our aesthetic with the classic Akira look, we fed an AI (by Yoona) pictures of the initial jacket and let it combine them with pictures of the most iconic designs we did until now.

The result were some great insights for the successive design process and also initiated the idea to change the inscription. A bit.

As a holder of the NFT, you can resell it on secondary. After 3 months you can then choose if you want to go the digital or the physical route.

Physical Version

  • Made to measure
  • Tier 3 Access NFT
  • Choose the logo on the pill in case you’d rather have…uhm a specific kind of chunky dog on it (Ohai, Elon)

We had to put some shine on the 3D model to highlight the different materials. It will look rather unobtrusive, but nonetheless luxurious through the usage of hi-tech materials, embossing and bonding tapes.

What is obvious, though, is that this modular system is exceptional.
You can wear it as a normal bomber.
Or put the top on, in case you want to fight a city devouring demi-god.

Digital Version

  • Staking for token yield
  • Access (Tier 2 Access to the exclusive world we are building incl. a later airdrop)
  • Get the 3d file, incl. full commercial rights to copy, remix etc.
  • One adoption for a realm of your choice (Decentraland, Somnium, others tbd).
  • 25% Token rewards across holders from future tshirt spinoff

There will be a maximum of 36 jackets ever in existence:

- 24 freely available over the Digitalax_ platform
- 4 for the team (these and the ones below will be minted on our own $Nous contract as soon as it is available in the coming days)
- 7 will be airdropped next year for members of our DAO that contributed the most and amassed the most of our $PHREN governance token
- 1 will be raffled




Phoebe & Gabriel

