Functions of Fashion in Web3

Phoebe Heess
2 min readNov 22, 2021

Once upon a time…there was a young fashion designer called Phoebe who interned for Yamamoto’s daughter in Japan and subsequently worked for Adidas by Stella McCartney in Germany. This defined her style of monochrome sportswear.

In Berlin, she met Gabriel who worked as the Head of Digital for Vice and was just leaving for an innovation consultancy. This defined his interest in future cool.

They realized that both areas of expertise combined would make a pretty interesting fashion brand.

Fast forward to today and physical fashion hasn’t changed much, except that healthgoth is now called techwear (but with jackets).

What has changed tremendously, is the digital space.

It makes so much sense to us, that we decided to turn everything upside down and go full web3.
Not only because it’s the future, but because when we look back, the most fulfilling moments where when we co-created together with other people.

And web3 gives us the opportunity to do much more of that.

But with this new environment and possibilities comes the need to update our DNA.

We are looking at screens. A lot. Everyone is trying to grab your attention. With screaming colors. But that is consumer economy thinking. We are in a creator economy now.

If you were a god, would you like to be surrounded by visual spam, or would you like to be in an environment (nota bene, we are already talking environments, not only clothes) where you are at ease and where you can focus on the point of interest at hand (which can be colored)?

It’s no wonder artists have always been drawn to black clothes. They say, don’t look at me, look at what I create. And that sounds very web3 to me.

But we are also a functional brand. So what functions did fashion have in the past?

  • Protection
  • Identification
  • Attraction
  • Status
  • Adornment

Now, what if we would commandeer the last four functions, give them much more punch through web3 mechanisms and thereby render it unnecessary to use said functions in r/l?

Sustainable fashion is good. But wouldn’t it be peak sustainability, if we made 4/5 reasons why physical clothing exists to begin with, obsolete?

Adapting established fashion functions is great, but have you tried to leverage native web3 functions?

Well, this is where it gets really interesting, because now you also can:

  • Create value through reselling, staking etc.
  • Grant and receive access
  • Integrate code, that let’s you level up, detoriate, combine, remix etc. The whole classical creative toolbox

These are just some rough concepts until now. But we would love to collaboratively explore these exciting possibilities with you.


