Newspapers Start to Speak Using AI Voices: Revolutionizing Journalism in the Digital Era.

Phoebe Ohayon
8 min readJun 1, 2023

Hello! Today, we are going to delve into the fascinating world of journalism, talk about the rise of news consumption through audio and discuss the profound impact it has on our understanding of current events and the future of journalism. I’ll shed light on a fascinating shift that we are witnessing in this digital age. A significant transformation where people are not only reading the news but also actively embracing the power of listening. That’s right, as we speak, newspapers around the world are working hard to provide you with an entirely new experience.

My team and I worked with the NRC to create custom AI voices that can read you the news. I’ll share the case study, and I’ll tell you more about the journey of exploring the implications and possibilities that arise from the use of robotic voices in journalism.

My Role: Head of Design

Description: I led and worked with the executors of this project to support NRC with the specific expertise needed for this project.

Many people are captivated by the written word, eagerly devouring newspapers and…



Phoebe Ohayon

Head of Design at Voice Branding | Co-founder Whoozy Agency