Sonic Branding: The Essential Principles.

Phoebe Ohayon
2 min readMar 21, 2022


Sound association is key in creating a sonic identity.

Nowadays, sonic branding is becoming increasingly popular. Big corporations and brands are jumping in to optimize their sonic branding. But what is it? Sonic branding uses sound to create a unique identity for a product or company. It can be used in advertising, marketing, customer service, product interfaces, etc.

There are many ways to use sonic branding. Some companies use music as their primary sonic branding tool. Others use sound effects, UX/UI sound design, or have a distinct voice that represents the product or service. You can also use ambient noise or natural sounds as sonic branding assets.

When creating a sonic brand, the most important thing is to make sure that the sounds are consistent and recognizable. You want customers to associate your sounds with your products or services. This may take time and effort to achieve, but it’s worth it in the long run.

From my experience, these are essential principles for sonic branding:

1. Choose the rights sounds based on user research. Make sure you make knowledgeable data-driven decisions about your sonic assets.

2. Ensure that the sound assets are being used consistently and correctly. Create a system and guidelines for employees to know what assets to use and when to use them.

3. Create a sonic brand strategy. Create a strategic plan to roll out the sonic branding identity to your customers.

4. Have patience and don’t change the sonic strategy too soon. Give it time to grow on people.

Sonic branding is a powerful tool, but it takes time and effort to use it effectively. If you’re willing to put in the work, sonic branding can help you create a unique identity for your business that will set you apart from the competition.

Below is a high-level overview of my perception of the sonic branding landscape. This might give you a better understanding of the various sonic assets and implementations.



Phoebe Ohayon

Head of Design at Voice Branding | Co-founder Whoozy Agency