Mapped: Europe’s Tech Giants

Phoebe Davies
2 min readSep 4, 2018


Everyone knows America is leading the way as the world’s tech powerhouse, but how does Europe fit into the picture?

Apple, Google and Facebook are all leading the way as the world’s most successful tech titans, so it’s no surprise that America is at the forefront of people’s minds when they think of the technology industry.

And while America has Silicon Valley, that’s not to say there aren’t developments happening all across the globe.

Chinese tech companies are among the most innovative and valuable in the world. According to Forrester’s “China Tech Market Outlook, 2018–2019”, China’s technology spending could reach $234 billion in 2018, up 8% on 2017.

Then there’s Europe — emerging as a vibrant playing field for tech entrepreneurs, Europe making significant advances in IoT, Fintech and AI, to highlight just a few.

The below map infographic shows some of the continent’s household tech names as well as some lesser known companies. Each country has been labelled with one of its biggest tech companies, based on valuation, and each map has been categorised into groups — Titans ($50bn+), Decadons ($10–50bn), Unicorns ($1bn+) and Rising Stars (potential to reach $1bn).

It is important to note that these rankings are not a representative of the country’s cumulative value. Companies were chosen based on their valuation, but are not necessarily the most valuable.

This article was originally posted on

