I’m hiring

Phoebe Connelly
2 min readJan 14, 2017


Ben Terris and Abby Phillip getting ready to host our post-debate show at the second presidential debate.

We are hiring 29 folks into the video department at The Washington Post in 2017. There are positions here for folks at all stages of their careers, doing all types of great video.

Are you a recent grad who loves the speed of breaking news and can crack out a fast edit in Premier? I’d suggest looking at our posting for Universal Desk Editor. For those unafraid of overnights, there is an incredible position working with our Morning Mix team — you will produce the videos our readers wake up to.

Perhaps you’re interested in taking on a role where you can shape hot takes and elevate the voices of others. We are hiring an opinions assigning editor (read: you have some management experience) and an opinions editor (read: you have a knack for coming up with fresh approaches to commentary).

Have you been experimenting with 360? We need an editor to lead our efforts in 360 — someone comfortable picking up new technology, training and teaching others, and working with freelancers.

Our incredible fact checking team of Glenn Kessler and Michelle Ye Hee Lee is getting a dedicated video editor. Are you the one?

One of the roles I’m most excited to hire for is our Senior Producer for Platforms. This person will work closely with the entire department to optimize our distribution on YouTube, Facebook, and OTT platforms like Apple TV.

We’re starting a new division to create hosted and scripted video — are you the executive producer we need to lead this team?

And that is only eight of the jobs we posted. I’m sure there is one that you are the perfect candidate for — so please check out all of them.

On a personal note — I’ve been with the Post for almost four years and have really great things to say about working here. It’s a collegial, diverse workplace that is focused on getting the facts, doing the reporting, and telling great stories. Please apply!



Phoebe Connelly

Executive producer/product owner for @washingtonpost’s @PostVideo. ✂️ Reads a lot of books.