A Magna Carta for the Metaverse

In another first, PCC Founder and Chairman Luke Sullivan introduces the MetaCharter …

Phoenix Community Capital
3 min readJul 14, 2022

June 15, 2022, marked the 807th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, widely considered to be the first bill of human rights because it states that free men should have access to justice, pay limited taxes, and not be imprisoned illegally.

PCC Chairman Luke Sullivan was invited to the anniversary event on Magna Carta Island, in Berkshire on the banks of the River Thames, along with world leaders, tech entrepreneurs, and business leaders from around the globe who had come to discuss the metaverse.

The gathering was to celebrate the past signing of a famous declaration, so it was fitting that another important present-day signing took place on the same day in the same location, as the new All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Metaverse was signed and officially launched. PCC’s Luke Sullivan was made a founding member of the APPG on the Metaverse and an advisor to the board.

He says “I had to make a speech in front of all these people, so I reminded them of the important signing that took place 807 years ago, then told them I had been thinking about Asimov’s three laws of robotics and how a robot mustn’t harm a human. I explained that as we go into the metaverse, we don’t need to be protected from robots, we need to be protected from humans because humans attack other humans.”

Luke Sullivan speaking about the MetaCharter on Magna Carta Island. Image: PCC

“I told them we were going to write a Magna Carta for the metaverse, we’re going to write a charter, a MetaCharter.”

Sullivan is now building the team for this and is contacting a variety of people to help put it together, including politicians and “a Prime Minister”. He is looking for human rights lawyers, he’s going to be talking to Amnesty International. He already has two Lords on board, as well as the man who wrote the modern definition of the metaverse, William G. Burns III.

It’s an ambitious project, but Sullivan is fired up and determined. “In geo-politics, every country is siloed into their own beliefs and political system,” he explains. “But as we move into the metaverse we’re going to move into a globalized society. There won’t be room for silos anymore. People from different countries are going to want to interact with each other but the laws of their countries won’t let them. So, we’ll have to create a universally agreed set of principles that work for every nation. We want to spread this and make it decentralized.”

Sullivan is single-minded about his mission: “We’re going to create it, we’re going to give it to the world, and then it’s up to the world to follow these rules. The MetaCharter is there to help humanity, not hinder it. We want to create a set of founding principles much like the Bill of Human Rights or the Declaration of Independence stating what the metaverse is.”

Yet again, PCC is leading the field. “Nothing like this has been attempted before,” says Sullivan, “although others have tried something similar. We’re not going to make any money out of it, but it’s something that we need to do to protect other humans, and I think now is the right time to do it.”

Website: themetacharter.com

The Meta Charter needs experts in global politics, human rights, and international law. If you, or anyone you know, can help. Please get in touch. (EMAIL address).



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