I'm a trans woman writer on a mission to transform discrimination into love for all of my human and animal siblings. Every being is uniquely and infinitely beautiful and worthy. But there are many factors that get in the way of that truth being manifested. I feel driven to live and express this truth as much as I can every day.

Using the Lefkoe Method and a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle helped me make positive changes in my life. I got trained in Lefkoe as well as WellCoaches, Clear Beliefs, and other ways of guiding a positive transformation. I have helped dozens of people use these processes to lovingly explore their beliefs and create more of what they want in the world. Email me at uberpath@gmail.com if you are curious about a session.

Phoenix Huber

Phoenix Huber

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: Ko-fi.com/phxhu