Phoenix Urban League Young Professionals name Member of the Year, President’s Choice


Every year, we highlight two YP members who have made an impact on their community and our organization.

Members have the opportunity to submit nominations for Member of the Year, while President’s Choice award was picked by Jerry McPherson. This year winners were announced at our annual Masquerade Soriee.


Since returning to the Phoenix area early in 2019, Brandi immediately jumped in and got reacquainted with YP joining the Membership Committee.

During a brief vacancy in the chair position, Brandi took the initiative to act as a liaison between committee members and the executive board and served as Co-Chair of the Membership Committee. In addition, Brandi served on the Leadership Development Committee, and the Urban Expo committee coordinating volunteers for YPs' largest event each year.

Brandi continually brought fresh ideas, while executing any tasks that was asked of her.

“Brandi’s greatest attribute, by far his her loyalty,” said YP President Jerry McPherson. “A trait that has seemed to become scare, it is refreshing to know this level of loyalty still exists.”

Prior to re-joining the Greater Phoenix chapter of Urban League Young Professionals, Brandi served on the executive board of the Las Vegas chapter as Programs Chair. Regardless of her location, Brandi was committed to the Movement.


Aaron displayed great progress from the time he first joined the board as Communications Chair 3 years ago.

Coming into the position without any significant marketing or communications experience, Aaron invested a great deal of time to become acclimated with his role. Taking the learning experiences with his chin up and chest out, Aaron continued to improve — both for himself, and the greater good of The Movement.

“This is what I admire most about Aaron,” McPherson said. “Many other folks would’ve folded up shop and abandoned their responsibilities, but Aaron continually asked how he could improve. He was both open and responsive to the feedback.”

Within the last year, he served as Chair for two different board positions. When assuming his new role as Social Cultural Chair, Aaron continued to assist through the transition and remained part of the Communications Committee — maintaining responsibilities for text messaging campaigns and flyer design. Since April, Aaron has led 5 events, served on the two other ad-hoc committees.

Congratulations to the award recipients! YP is great because if their hard work and continuous dedication.

If you would like to become a member of YP click here.

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Greater Phoenix Urban League Young Professionals

Uniting diverse, driven young professionals for community outreach leadership development & fun.