Phore Blockchain Co-Chairs the Global Assets and Wealth Forum in Singapore

Introduces the Phore Project and Blockchain Technology to Influential Attendees

Phore Blockchain
3 min readSep 4, 2018

Phore Blockchain’s Co-CEO, Anthony Alleyne, Co-Chaired the Global Assets and Wealth Form (GAW Forum)in Singapore, August 31st and September 1st, as part of our sponsorship with Platinum Circle, the world’s leading business group, involving corporations, governments and investors from around the world.

The GAW Initiative’s objective is to drive greater collaboration and cooperation in building future economic, business and social wealth. Anthony Alleyne, introduced the Phore project, served as an expert voice on the topic of blockchain and decentralized ledger technology, and shared insights through the GAW Initiative Forums and Workshops.

Phore’s Anthony Alleyne discusses the transformative power of Blockchain technology at the Global Assets and Wealth Forum, in Singapore.

Mr. Alleyne discussed blockchain as a new digital asset class and its transformative potential in the commercial and economic landscape with over 200 business and government leaders as well as accredited investors.

Here are some photos of a few of the people Mr. Alleyne met at the event.

Anthony Alleyne and Ben Brophy, CEO and Founder of Blocklab.
Anthony Alleyne with Anthony Nkinzo Kamole, Directeur Général, ANAPI, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Anthony Alleyne with Glen Shepherd, Head, Private client Sales, B28 Whisky Investment Fund.
Anthony Alleyne with Johnny Kartakov, Managing Partner, Ambisafe.
Anthony Alleyne with Jovan Jovanovic, Member of Parliament, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
Joyce Khoo, Founder of JK Lawyers in Australia, and Anthony Alleyne.
Lionel Lee, Chairman, Platinum Circle and Anthony Allenye.
Soo Meng Lim, CEO, eVantage Technology in Singapore, and Anthony Alleyne.
Anthony Alleyne and Stan Fung, Managing Director, Drum Tower Ventures.
Wendy Lim, VP, Marketing, BCoin Exchange, and Anthony Alleyne.

The overall reaction to the introduction of blockchain with this prestigious group was positive, with people looking forward to the development of the technology for real-world applications. This is a key driver for the Phore Blockchain project, and we believe will be critical to not only to our success, but the success of the industry.

The GAW Forum will be held annually and in different locations globally. Phore Blockchain is recognized as a member of Platinum Circle and its community of over 1,800 private and public sector organizations.

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Phore Blockchain

Innovating Distributed Ledger Technologies for real-world use with the vision of sustainable, decentralized commerce on a global scale.