5 Types of Camera Angles

Joepet Macariola
4 min readJun 25, 2024


There are various types of camera angles that photographers can use to create different effects in their images. Here are some of the most commonly used camera angles in photography:

  1. High Angle

A high angle is when the camera is positioned above the subject, looking down at it. This angle is often used in landscape photography, as it can create a sense of vastness and grandeur. It can also be used to make the subject appear smaller and less powerful.

In portrait photography, a high angle can create a more flattering look, as it can elongate the neck and make the eyes appear larger. This angle is often used in food photos because it makes the food look delicious.

In photos where you tell a story, taking pictures from above can help viewers see everything in the scene, like they’re looking down from above. This can be particularly powerful in conveying themes of fate.

2. Low Angle

A low angle is when the camera is positioned below the subject, looking up at it. This angle is often used in street photography, as it can make the subject appear larger and more dominant. It can also create a sense of drama and intensity in the image.

In portrait photography, a low angle can create a more imposing look, making the subject appear powerful and confident. This angle is also commonly used in architectural photography, as it can make buildings appear taller and more impressive.

A low angle can show more of the environment in a photo. This can make the sky or ceiling a big part of the picture. It looks cool if there are interesting patterns or weather in the shot.

3. Eye-Level Angle

An eye-level angle is when the camera is positioned at the same height as the subject. This angle is the most commonly used in photography, as it creates a natural and realistic perspective. It is often used in portrait photography, as it can create a strong connection between the subject and the viewer.

When taking pictures on the street, shooting from eye level can make people feel closer to the scene, like they’re part of it. This angle is often used in product photos to show the product in a natural way.

Eye-level shots are great for capturing emotions and details in portraits. They make a strong connection between the subject and the viewer by looking directly at each other.

4. Tilted Angle

A tilted angle is when the camera is positioned at an angle, rather than straight. This angle makes the picture look more active and exciting. It can also create a sense of unease or chaos, depending on the angle and the subject.

In street photography, a slanted angle can make a picture more lively and exciting. It makes the image look more captivating. This angle is often used in fashion photos to make them more interesting. It creates drama and a better composition.

Tilting the camera can show how a character sees things in a story. It helps us understand their emotions and experiences better.

5. Bird’s Eye Angle

A bird’s eye angle is when the camera is positioned directly above the subject, looking straight down. This angle is commonly used in aerial photos to show how big things are and create depth. It can also be used to showcase patterns and shapes in the landscape.

In city photos, a high angle can show the shapes and patterns of buildings, making a pretty picture. This angle is often used in food photos. It shows the food in a different and cool way.

Also, seeing things from above can help show how humans are connected to everything around them, like a big picture. It can show how people act and how they are connected to their surroundings.

Tips for Using Camera Angles Effectively

Now that you understand the various camera angles, here are some tips for using them well in your photos:

Experiment with Different Angles

The best way to understand the impact of camera angles is to experiment with them. Take the same photo from different angles and see how it changes the composition and mood of the image. This will teach you how to use angles to show emotions and create a certain style in your pictures.

Consider the Message You Want to Convey

Before taking a photo, think about the message you want to convey. Do you want to make the subject appear powerful and dominant, or vulnerable and weak? Do you want to create a sense of drama or stability? This will help you choose the right angle for your photo.

Use Angles to Tell a Story

Camera angles can also be used to tell a story in your photos. By changing the angle, you can show different perspectives and add depth to your images. A low angle makes you feel like you’re looking up at something. A high angle makes you feel like you’re looking down at it.

Pay Attention to Lighting and Shadows

Camera angles can change how light and shadow look. A certain angle can make a photo look interesting by showing how light shines on it. Another angle can make a photo look mysterious or tense by focusing on shadows.

Use the Environment to Enhance the Angle

Consider how where you are and what you’re looking at can work together. Changing your perspective can make some things appear or disappear. Picking a good location can make your message or emotion come through better in your photos.

Practice with Different Lenses

Different lenses can complement certain angles better than others. For instance, wide-angle lenses make low-angle shots look more dramatic, while telephoto lenses make high-angle shots look less deep.


Camera angles are important in photography. They can change how a picture looks and tells a story. Photographers can make better photos by knowing about angles and using them well. So go out there and experiment with different angles to take your photography to the next level!



Joepet Macariola

Blog Writer at Rafael IT Services. Passionate about photo editing and photography, I share tips, tricks, and insights.