Laravel VS Symfony

6 min readJun 22, 2022


For each undertaking, it should be chosen which innovation to utilize. For web improvement purposes, firms most often choose to go for PHP systems. In any case, which of them to pick? Today, I chose to present the two most well-known PHP structures: Symfony and Laravel, and accordingly think about their likenesses and exhibit contrasts alongside their handiness regarding explicit sorts of activities.

Essential data

Laravel is a PHP open source permit structure that utilizes the model-view-regulator project configuration design. At first delivered in 2011, notwithstanding, alongside adaptation 4, delivered in 2013, the interest in the undertaking had expanded altogether. Laravel is presently the most famous system available. Its writers call attention to the that the instinct, effortlessness, and speed of the code composed are the best qualities of this structure.

Symfony is a PHP open source permit structure that utilizes the model-view-regulator project configuration design. It is most often chosen for huge, complex undertakings. Symfony 2 was delivered in 2011 and this year ought to be viewed as the start of the system, which these days is known under this name. Symfony 1 was an altogether unique task, with various basic presumptions.


Data set-related work support is in the two cases like the two frameworks’ utilization of ORM (Object-social planning) — Doctrine on account of Symfony and Eloquent on account of Laravel. From the get-go, the two systems might appear to be practically similar to twin arrangements, yet to the surprise of no one, the overlooked details are the main problem.

Fundamental data concerning these systems as of now uncovers numerous similitudes between them. What strikes initially is the way that the two structures are open-source permit accessible arrangements and utilize the PHP language. Besides, the capacity to convey the framework with extra modules and parts along with multiplatform configuration, are the elements that make Symfony and Laravel comparable.

Symfony — recognizing highlights

Symfony is created as a measured arrangement that is made out of commonly free components (pack). These are installable document packages previously containing specific functionalities. A genuine illustration of such a group might be a moment courier or an installment framework. This kind of arrangement permits us to make the code free of the framework being composed and utilize the packs made for different undertakings.

Despite Laravel, Symfony was grown particularly for huge scope projects which impacted a large portion of the choices made while planning it. Assuming we give Symfony improvement, at Droptica we commonly work with enormous undertakings or activities where Symfony is a hidden innovation. This is because Symfony is utilized by many known projects, including Drupal, PrestaShop, Magento, or as a base for different structures: just to refer to Laravel, Yii, or CakePHP. It exhibits its adaptability and adaptability.

The people group around Symfony is as yet perhaps the biggest organization, consequently settling issues or growing applications with add-ins created by clients, is a truly charming position.

As its format motor, Symfony utilizes Twig. This arrangement produces format documents with .twig expansion down to the PHP web development code. This is a commonly known and by and large utilized arrangement that we use inside our proposal of PHP improvement administrations. The presentation and effortlessness of the composed code are positive benefits. The disservice, in any case, is the way that twig gives no likelihood to infuse the PHP code — so we need to utilize channels all things considered.

{{ ‘Capitalized text’|upper }}

We are, in any case, not restricted to utilize exclusively the channels created by Twig creators — we might make such channels by our own and extend their number. Model Twig document:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Twig model file</title>



<h1>{{ page_title }}</h1>

{% if user.isLoggedIn %}

<p>Hello {{ }}!</p>

{% endif %}

<ul id=”navigation”>

{% for thing in route %}

<li><a href=”{{ item.href }}”>{{ item.caption }}</a></li>

{% endfor %}




The upside of Symfony, which is much of the time underlined is its exhibition. What’s more, even though I can transparently advocate for this assertion, it is great to have at the top of the priority list that the actual speed relies upon the parts and fundamental components we use. Since it is difficult to expect a strong presentation when the groups utilized are gravely planned and essentially work ineffectively. The least difficult comment is that Symfony’s exhibition is the number of its exhibitions — the base presentation is an incredibly proficient base.

Laravel — recognizing highlights

The rationale, as currently referenced, strikes soon after introducing Laravel. The structure invites us from the very beginning with prepared conditions and a completely prepared to-workplace. In opposition to Symfony, for the people who don’t wish to arrange everything from the very beginning without anyone else, Laravel gives devices important to work. As currently referenced Eloquent ORM or vue.js can be one of the models that we escape the case. For amateurs or the individuals who esteem their time, it could be more consistent and speedier to enter the universe of programming, as contrasted with Symfony. Such an answer likewise has a few downsides, as most presumably, we won’t utilize every one of the choices that Laravel offers us all along and that implies a lot of pointless code kept up within the venture.

The first and the main thing to be familiar with Laravel is that this system is created on Symfony parts. Laravel likewise involves Symfony as its edge; nonetheless, supplements it with its rationale and vision to compose programming utilizing PHP language. The fundamental guideline for Laravel is instinct and the snappiness of composing code. The creators assume that considering the present market interest for programming arrangements, time and assets ought to assume a critical part in the undertaking’s creation. Albeit such reasoning might appear to be acceptable, many individuals highlight the childishness of such a methodology, and in this way, Laravel is frequently connected with more modest “at-short-notice-type” projects. All together not to frighten you off all along, I might want to say that regardless of whether there is a component of truth in this, this, relies upon individuals who utilize the arrangement and how they exploit its true capacity. Our Laravel engineers are glad to utilize the speed for their potential benefit, yet additionally get some margin to modeler particular and hearty, future-evidence arrangements.

In opposition to Symfony, Laravel involves the Blade motor as the layout motor. Notwithstanding, this is a debatable issue as, as I would like to think, this is an improved arrangement than Twig. At an essential level, the two arrangements are very comparable regarding activity; in any case, what recognizes Blade is the capacity to embed the code straightforwardly into the format record. This little distinction makes working with layouts significantly more predominant.

{{ strtoupper(‘Uppercase text’) }}

Model Blade record:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Blade model file</title>



<h1>{{ $page_title }}</h1>

{% if $user->isLoggedIn() %}

<p>Hello {{ $user->name }}!</p>

{% endif %}

<ul id=”navigation”>

@foreach ($navigation as $item)

<li><a href=”{{ $item->href }}”>{{ $item->caption }}</a></li>





Enchantment strategies may likewise be a component that „buys” many individuals while picking the right structure for their requirements. In short: they guarantee the speed of code composition with compelling reasons needed to make convoluted and complex code lines. They assist us with zeroing in more on the rationale of a given venture’s exhibition as opposed to the actual code and its rightness.

One more exceptionally helpful element of Laravel and the usefulness we get right from the outset is the approval framework which is so vital for web improvement. As opposed to Symfony, this structure is as of now outfitted with a framework supporting approval, and the setup on our part is restricted to data set design at relocation.


The decision of a reasonable structure is rarely simple. I trust that my text may, somewhat, assist you with grasping the significant contrasts between the two most well-known answers for PHP. What’s more, I call it „major” contrasts purposely as the quantity of more modest contrasts would be sufficient to compose essentially a progression of books. The two structures have been planned given an alternate end and for various reasons. I pass on the assignment to picking the right framework for you, albeit, anything you choose, I am certain that you will be fulfilled.

