Sequelize Tutorial with Node.js

2 min readAug 4, 2020


In this tutorial explains about How to integrate Sequelize ORM in your application with node js.

What is Sequelize

Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js. It supports various databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, and SQLite. This features are transaction support, relations and read replications.

Install Sequelize

We initialize a Node application and install Sequelize and MySQL adapter.

$ node -v 
$ npm init
// Using NPM
$ npm install --save sequelize

Install one of the following database driver in your application.

$ npm install --save pg pg-hstore
$ npm install --save mysql2
$ npm install --save sqlite3
$ npm install --save tedious // MSSQL

Setting up a connection

After the installation steps, create an connection with following contents. Here we can create an connection in two ways.

First method, we can customize the connection pool in models/db.js.

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'mysql', //|'sqlite'|'postgres'|'mssql'
operatorsAliases: false,

pool: {
max: 5,
min: 0,
acquire: 30000,
idle: 10000

// SQLite only
storage: 'path/to/database.sqlite'

Second one you can simply use a connection uri in models/db.js

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = new Sequelize('mysql://user:pass@localhost:3306/dbname');

You can use the .authenticate() function like this to test the connection.

.then(() => {
console.log('Connection has been established successfully.');
.catch(err => {
console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', err);
});Added above code at the end of the models/db.js file.

Create a Model

Models are defined with following contents in models/user.model.js

const { Sequelize, DataTypes } = require('sequelize');
module.exports = (Sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const User = Sequelize.define('user', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING
email: {
type: DataTypes.STRING
password: {
type: DataTypes.STRING
return User;

force: true will drop the table if it already exists. This method is recommended for development mode.

User.sync({force: true}).then(() => {
// Table created
return User.create({
name: 'John',
email: '',
password: '123456'

How to write a query

This helps you how to make the standard CRUD queries.

Simple INSERT Query

// Create a new user
const user = await User.create({ name: "John", email: "", password: "12346" });
console.log("PK ID:",;

Simple SELECT queries

// Find all users
const users = await User.findAll();
console.log("All users:", JSON.stringify(users, null, 2));

Simple UPDATE queries

await User.destroy({
where: {
email: ''

Simple DELETE queries

await User.destroy({
truncate: true

Use below code for Truncate the table.

await User.destroy({ truncate: true });




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