How coaching benefits us all!

In today’s world, a coach means a person who has varied experience, can teach, train and guide another in a particular field.

Another dimension of today’s executive coaching or corporate coaching refers to a coach guiding the coaches, in their respective corporate organizations by offering them a distinct and new perspective about real-time employment situations and thus encouraging them to think independently and out of the box and in the longer term, boost their personal development.

An executive coach benefits in myriad ways such as

  1. driving clients focus on creating positive changes,
  2. expanding possibilities,
  3. unleashing potential through skilful communication,
  4. creating awareness,
  5. exploring, clarifying and sharing insights, tools, resources and experiences.

If we look at present times executive coaching is rapidly gaining popularity and mentoring combined with coaching has become one of the more preferred high work performance practices in learning organizations.

High work performance practices do not imply a quick fix for organizations to turn around their talent development and in the more extended run, the organization’s profitability.

Instead, it says that there are categories to be worked on such as training, mentoring, coaching, appraisals and practice for high work performance practices to be viable and useful in any learning organizations.

Why do we need to have Coaching in learning organizations?

Simply because an organization needs-

  1. New and innovative ideas,
  2. Downsizing and re-engineering, and
  3. Geographical mobility of today’s talents.
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Hence, al learning organizations are adopting coaching as one of their preferred high work performance practices.

Coaching is, therefore, a skill that comprises a depth of understanding of experience and practices that can unleash astonishing potentials. Coaching benefits by teaching us how to maximize possibilities thus leading to enhanced work performance and individual development.

Coaching leads to

  1. systematic thinking,
  2. personal mastery,
  3. building shared visions and team learning.
  4. faster learning by inculcating a sense of responsibility for their actions
  5. encouraging individuals to explore possibilities and expand horizons
  6. individuals build constructive thinking to get them where they want to be.

What hinders the transformation in an Organization?

Two main reasons that hinder the transformation in a learning organization would be:-

  1. Time, which employees and management in a team are not willing to commit themselves to, and
  2. The lack of proper training or development.
  3. A solution to this would be — well-versed mentor or coach.

An organization that follows or consults a coach reaps many benefits. These benefits can be classified as personal benefits and benefits for the organization.

As executive coaching is about coaching in organizations, the benefits would comprise:-

  1. Increase sales/revenue,
  2. improved productivity, quality of services and products,
  3. fewer customer complaints and employee dissatisfaction,
  4. decreased production costs and employee turnover, sick leave and absenteeism.
  5. improved teamwork and collaboration,
  6. more employee engagement,
  7. reduced turnover and conflict,
  8. strengthened leadership
  9. increased job satisfaction, customer service, employee development,
  10. better employee relations .

A coach thus roots on the fact that Clarity, Focus, and Action yields Results.

One of the intangible benefits of coaching that many people particularly enjoy is having someone there who is concentrating on you and your needs, without running their agenda. A coach listens to you as no one has ever heard you earlier!

For many people, this is very invigorating and a real confidence-builder.

On a more personal and friendly note, a person must have a focus at any point and anytime in his/her life. This vision or focus will help keep the person going forward despite the obstacles or challenges that will come in the way.

Coaching, therefore, acts as a reminder to keep this focus in view.



Phrenimos India — Soft Skills and Leadership Coach

Phrenimos comprises a team of certified Leadership coaches who assist the individuals in charting out their path to personal performance & success. Soft Skills