Qualities that will help you succeed as a SEO Specialist Philippines

Carl Fore
5 min readFeb 1, 2017


SEO industry in Philippines is growing rapidly, so this is also a very promising career. If you are looking forward to get involved in this industry, you should be ready for high level competition because there are also many SEO specialists in Philippines who are coming up. Just like in any other industry, you have to demonstrate high level competence in order to succeed. Below are other qualities you need to demonstrate as a great SEO specialist Philippines.

Good client relationship

No client will come to seek SEO services in Philippines if you are not approachable or cannot develop good relationship with them. This means you have to make sure that you talk with potential clients well and give contacts they can get in touch with you any time they need help. You have to show them that you are interested in their business success so that they can also develop trust and confidence with your services.

Be a good listener

It is not your business as a SEO specialist Philippines to tell your clients the goals they should have in their business. This means you must be ready to first listen to your clients needs before trying to give your input. By showing that you can listen to their needs, they will also take you more seriously. They will gain the courage to explain everything to you and at the same time they will also listen to the inputs you give them.

Involve clients and other specialists in your work

When offering SEO services, you do not have to work alone. You need to ensure that you involve them throughout the entire process of the SEO campaign. It is only by doing this that you will also be able to develop long lasting relationship with the clients and help attain the desired goals. It is also important to collaborate and network with other SEO specialists Philippines to gain more knowledge and insights.

Visit Foretec SEO Philippines for more details.

Why every SEO expert Philippines should use White SEO techniques

There are a lot of SEO techniques applied today by SEO experts in Philippines. There are those that are recommended and there are also others that are not. As a SEO expert Philippines, it is vital to make sure that you apply only white hat techniques. Below are some of the major reasons why you need to apply these techniques.

Cost effectiveness

You might think that by applying black hat techniques you are going through a short cut that will bring the desired SEO results fast. However, you will be doing yourself great injustice because you will even spend more and get bad results. You have to note that by application of the black hat SEO techniques you are trying to move through a path that you will never take you where you are going. This is because soon Google will catch you and this has a lot of negative effects to your online reputation. White hat techniques are the only ones recognized by Google and they produce long lasting goals. Use of these techniques help connect well with users and you do not have to invest a lot in terms of time and money to get the right results.

Have high quality relationships

As a SEO expert Philippines use of the white hat techniques is a great way to help you develop long term relationships with businesses. These techniques are usually developed in a way that enhances long lasting relationships. By applying them, your clients will also be excited to be working with you. This is a great way to boost your client base and gain high ratings online.

Boost collaboration and networking

It will be hard for you to share with other experts if you apply the black hat SEO techniques. By applying transparent techniques it will be easy for you to network and collaborate with other experts leading to more development in your profession.

How to bring success to your SEO Company Philippines

If you own a SEO company Philippines, you have to ensure that you have an edge over others in order to succeed. Currently the competition among the SEO companies is very high as more and more business owners embrace SEO as one of their marketing strategies. So what must you do to succeed?

Have qualified SEO experts

One of the things that clients in Philippines and beyond will look before they hire your SEO Company is the qualification of the experts. This means that you have to make sure that you only work with SEO professionals with the ability to handle all client needs satisfactorily. Be ready to show their qualifications to your clients to gain their trust and confidence with the services provided.

Apply white hat SEO techniques

You have to apply only the recommended SEO techniques if you are to gain the trust of your clients. Use of white hat SEO techniques is the best way to ensure that your clients get best results from the services you offer. These are the techniques that are accepted by Google and other major search engines. Use of these techniques also ensures that your website does not get banned or penalized by Google.

Charge friendly price

The price you charge for your SEO services also determines if you succeed or fail. The best option you have is to research on the market price charged by your competitors and determine the best for you to charge. The best SEO Company Philippines will not charge you very low price and if you do, clients will question the quality of your services or techniques you use. Focus more of providing high quality work and clients will come to you no matter the price.

Be updated at all times

SEO industry is evolving at a fast rate in Philippines, so you have to be updated with the changes at all times. Make sure you apply the latest SEO techniques and by doing so, more clients will come your way.

