How to Install freqtrade with Anaconda on Windows 10

4 min readFeb 12, 2020


This is an in depth guide on how to successfully get freqtrade running with Anaconda on Windows 10.

If you would like to join the freqtrade community join their Slack Channel

Download and Install Anaconda

  1. Go to
  2. Select ‘Download’ under Python 3.7 version
  3. Open the downloaded file (once complete)
  4. Select ‘I Agree’ and then ‘Next’ (for all)
  5. Uncheck the boxes and select ‘Finish’
Parts removed to speed up demo

Download and Install VS Build Tools

Required for the TA-Lib Python wrapper to work with Windows

  1. Go to
  2. Expand ‘Tools for Visual Studio 2019’
  3. Select ‘Download’ on the right of Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019
  4. Open the downloaded file (once complete)
  5. Select ‘Continue’, check ‘C++ build tools’ and select ‘Install’

