What is BEATRĪX?

Blockchained Energy and Telecommunications, RĪX as the name of the Token

phuong pham
3 min readAug 22, 2018

BEATRĪX is a collaboration of companies, combining years of experience in area-independent industries:

Energy: Energy Towers GmbH

Telecommunications: Nynex/FiberONE

Financial services: Phenecia AG

Biogas plants Expert: Bioconstruct GmbH

SME/Industry/Engineering: GBZ GmbH and Hänchen GmbH

University: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

BEATRĪX is going to provide green, low cost, sustainable energy and telecommunications to people who need it the most.

The predominant focus of our dynamic project is Africa, where we are going to develop growth and progress until we become a market leader.

We are equipped with a new revolutionary energy and blockchain technology that will help Africa to develop incredibly rapidly.

Problem & Solution

BEATRĪX favours a patented revolutionary sustainable solution in form of the energy towers as opposed to imitating the outdated modes of generation which will become a future burden. A far more agile micro-level mode of generation can meet the needs in months.


The BEATRĪX reality is that almost all Africans could have access to clean, abundant and almost no-cost electricity within the next decade. The supplementary bonus is that countries, villages and even individuals can grow their economies immediately, bypassing the time and expense of permanent generating capacity.

The provision of power to a population is not simply an economic conversation, but rather a humanitarian one. For most, electrification does not mean running a refrigerator or television but, more crucially, providing heat and light from a source that does not fill a home with dangerous fumes. It might mean charging a cell phone from which payments can be made, phone calls received and important news reports read. Providing electricity to homes means healthier families, better education for children and the optimisation of financial inclusion to capture those in rural areas. BEATRĪX decided not to commit to the well-trodden but impractical road of centralized electricity generation, but to carve a new and pioneering path towards alternative energy solutions in form of a Decentralized Energy and Telecommunications Distribution (DETD). BEATRĪX believes this is the option that can truly change the fortunes of the continent.

There is a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world the impact of small-scale DETDs, blended renewable energy sources at a micro-grid and mobile level in Africa.

BEATRĪX’s Solution: The Energy Towers

The first part of BEATRĪX’s Ecosystem is a patented buoyancy technology, which is a new procedure that efficiently produces electric current. The technology’s technical feasibility has been proven in theory by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the “proof of concept” that demonstrates its practical potential through test-systems is taking place on 01.09.2018.

Systems built based on the buoyancy technology will come in different overall sizes and power steps (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, MW).

We wanted to keep the information available on the website very simple, with a more comprehensive and detailed description regarding efficiency and profitability of the energy towers in BEATRĪX’s white paper. Technical details and videos about the technology are available after registration in the VIP area.

White Paper: https://www.beatrix.social/docs/WP/Beatrix__Wp.pdf

Bitcointalk username: phuong0011
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2220182

