Unlocking the Secrets of Manipulation: How Offline Businesses Utilize Digital Displays to Make You Spend More

Phygital Signage
5 min readAug 17, 2023


Have you ever wondered how offline businesses harness the power of modern technology to influence your purchasing decisions? Perhaps you’ve noticed the increasing prevalence of digital screens replacing traditional printed posters both inside and outside stores. In this article, we will delve into the world of digital displays and uncover how businesses are not only saving money but also driving up impulse purchases by up to 40%.

Displays attract 400% more attention than posters

It’s no secret that displays attract significantly more attention than traditional posters. Just think about how your gaze involuntarily drifts towards screens displaying captivating advertising videos on the streets, in stores, and even in cafes. Microsoft’s research reveals that our average attention span is now shorter than that of a goldfish, lasting a mere 8 seconds.

We consume visual information at a rapid pace and are drawn to dynamic content. Videos and animations have a greater appeal to us compared to static text on a banner, as they provide a more engaging and stimulating experience. In fact, text-based content now carries less informational weight than media-rich objects, images, characters, and events.

Moreover, the content displayed on digital screens often caters to our immediate surroundings and personal needs. This personalized approach makes advertisements more memorable and effective.

Marketers cleverly leverage our current needs, even taking into account the weather. For example, on rainy days, they may entice us with umbrella advertisements on screens and adjust their promotions based on the “Profit of One Degree” concept. Extensive marketing research has shown that even a slight increase in temperature by just one degree during the summer can lead to a significant boost in sales.

For instance, strawberries see an 8% increase, while beer and soft drinks experience a 1.2% and 2% increase per week, respectively. Similarly, fans and air conditioners witness a surge of 10% and 24% per week, while UV protection products and sports drinks enjoy an 11% and 3% increase per week.

Conversely, a decrease in temperature by one degree during autumn also has its impact on sales. Orange juice sales rise by 3% per week, children’s clothing sees a 4.9% increase, and portable heaters experience a whopping 15% surge per week, according to Weather Trends 360.

In the world of advertising, there is a clever tactic known as forced loyalty. This tactic plays into our unconscious desires and marketers are well aware of it. They utilize specific weather conditions to determine how products are displayed to us.

For example, on a hot day, we are more likely to be enticed by a bright screen displaying images of refreshing ice cream, while a poster advertising hot coffee may go unnoticed. We discussed this concept of weather-based advertising in our article titled Wind of Change: How to Use Weather-Based Marketing in Offline Sales.

Any print promo ultimately ends up in the trash

We toss away leaflets and brochures that are handed to us along with our purchases on the same day. Banners and posters quickly deteriorate due to weather conditions. They become faded, outdated, and are eventually discarded. In some cases, these materials can even cause irritation for both buyers and sellers.

Imagine this scenario: you see a poster in a store advertising a promotional item, but when you can’t find it on your own, you ask a consultant for assistance. After checking the shelves, they also come up empty-handed. You ask another consultant, who then checks the database and informs you that the item is sold out. You are left disappointed and frustrated, while the consultant has to repeatedly justify himself for the umpteenth time this week that the item is not in stock.

To replace this poster, the entire print promo cycle needs to be repeated. Not only does the production of printed advertising require significant resources, but it also involves the use of harmful chemicals that are detrimental to the environment. Unfortunately, only a few companies properly dispose of printed materials.

Now we receive thousands of messages instead of one

In today’s digital age, companies are utilizing digital content to not only sell their products but also to discuss important topics such as health, well-being, and environment. If we don’t count social advertising, these types of messages were rarely seen on banners in urban environments. Companies primarily focused on promoting their own products and services. With digital displays, brands have endless possibilities to convey their messages.

Beyond just advertising products and promotions, digital displays allow brands to showcase their features, making it easier for consumers to recognize and differentiate them from others. Brands can also share reviews and testimonials about their products and services, building trust and credibility.

Digital displays offer opportunities for brands to engage with consumers in-store as well. Brands can encourage customers to create content by taking selfies or sharing photos of products on social media, which can then be broadcasted on the digital screens. This not only creates a more interactive shopping experience but also helps to force creation of user-generated content for the brand.

In addition to these benefits, digital displays can also serve as navigation tools in large retail spaces. By displaying relevant products near each navigation point, brands can help guide consumers through the store while also increasing exposure to their products.

Saving time and money on advertising creation

According to a Nielsen study, 4 out of 5 brands experienced a sales increase of up to 33% after transitioning to digital content. Additionally, the cost of print advertising can be significantly higher, and a large portion of that cost is wasted on printing, logistics, installation, dismantling, and disposal of promotional materials. With digital signage, these expenses become irrelevant. Especially since the investment in Digital Signage pays off in just 10 months.

Furthermore, digital signage allows businesses to streamline their advertising processes. Instead of manually controlling print advertising, employees can focus on developing new campaigns and strategies.

To businesses: if you haven’t switched to digital content yet

Taking care of customers, employees and the environment is much easier with technology. It takes minutes to set up messages via the cloud. To connect any screen on your network to Phygital Signage, simply purchase a plug-and-play set-top box. Digital displays offer numerous advantages for brands, from showcasing features and sharing reviews to engaging with customers and saving time and money. Businesses that have not yet embraced digital content should consider making the switch to reap the benefits it can bring.

If you are interested in learning more about weather marketing and our platform, email us at hello@phygitalsignage.io.



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