How to Get Cheap and Reliable Car Insurance– Eight Secrets Revealed!

Phyllis Baker
3 min readFeb 6, 2019


Driving a car that is unsecured can rise many unwanted problems. Lets say, if any accident happens on an uninsured car, it can take a toil on your finances, and can also drag you in lawsuits. However, having a car insurance, will offer financial support in situations when your car is stolen, vandalized or have encountered fires.

With them, you can have liability coverage and personal injury protection. Plus, it can help you claim for the injuries that you and other people have endured from the crash So if you are going to buy a car insurance policy for your new or old car make sure to compare the quotes from different insurance providers.

Here are the eight tips that will help you in getting the best car insurance at an exact price.

#1: Shop Around and Compare Quotes

Do not just accept the renewal quote every year. Shop around, compare quotes of different insurers and then buy very cheap car insurance for your vehicle.

#2: Do Not Put Everyone in Your Policy

Ensure that you only put the names of your regular drivers in the car insurance policy. So that you can allows them to drive your car when needed. If you mess up your plan with additional names, it cost you more and makes a big hole in your pocket.

#3: Increase Your Excess

Don’t take claim if you are not a fault in a road accident with your car. If you will ready to pay every time then, you have to pay more for the premium amount.

Further, if you are not at fault, then excess can be covered by the insurance company.

#4: Check for Discounts

Insurers provide discounts sometimes on special days or sometimes on special occasions. So, keep checking the discount and percentage of it to get the cheap car insurance. However, there are some who also pay discount depending upon your track record of driving and condition of the car.

#5: Skip Collision and Comprehensive Coverage for Very Old Car

Collision coverage includes repair cost after your vehicle met with an accident. On the other side, the comprehensive coverage pays to repair cost for car damage due to bad weather, natural calamities and theft. However, the maximum payout depends upon the value and age of the car.

So, if your car is older and has a low market value, then it makes no sense to buy these types of coverage which takes more money than the resale value of the car.

#6: Protect Your No Claims Bonus

When you are relocating your location or changing insurer make sure to carry no claim bonus of your running insurance plan. Having five or more years without making a claim will put you in a great position to get cheap auto vehicle insurance policy. This is because insurer thinks that you will make fewer claims in future too.

#7: Avoid the Broker’s Commission

When planning to buy car insurance either for a modified car or for a business car doesn’t get stuck in the trap of brokers. Instead, have direct contact with the employee of Insurer Company and get the best plan according to your need. This will save you from paying to the broker.

#8: Improve Your Driving Skills

The improved driving skills will not only keep you away from unwanted damage on the road but also gives you benefit in insurance cost. This will make a good impression in front of insurance providers and will benefit you in many ways.

So, protect yourself and your loved ones by having reliable as well as cheap car insurance from the trusted insurance providers near you. Keep in mind the points described above before buying the policy for your favourite vehicle.



Phyllis Baker

Professional blogger, Graduate from University of Oxford.