DOTA: Dragon’s Blood Season 2 Review

5 min readJan 21, 2022


The most heartbreaking deaths ranked

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The second season of Netflix’s DOTA tells a riveting tale interwoven with powerful themes of acceptance, loss, and destiny. On reaching its finale, all collide to create an emotional climax and stellar curtain closer.

Even though accustomed to graphic and unexpected deaths since the show debuted in 2021, viewers never imagined saying goodbye to so many beloved characters, new and old, all in 4 hours (or however long it took you to binge-watch the season).

(spoilers ahead)

In this article, we’ll be highlighting the season’s most heartbreaking and satisfying deaths:

7. Shabarra (satisfying)

God-emperor Shabarra was one of the new characters introduced this season, and though he wasn’t a primary antagonist, he certainly was one of the greatest annoyances. From kidnapping Mirana, a girl who saw him as an uncle and was much younger, to asking her to marry him to strengthen his political standings, he certainly had a way of getting under your skin.

When it is revealed that Shabarra led a coup to seize the throne from Mirana’s father, and he cockily refuses Davion’s request to see The Eye, it makes it all the more satisfying to watch him fall to his death as Davi-rak (Sly-rion?) drops him mid-air.

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6. Father (satisfying)

We are introduced to Father, the leader of the Dragon Knights, who sees Davion’s predicament (housing the spirit of Slyrak) as an opportunity to make all Dragon Knights as invincible and formidable as he is in battle.

After a series of gruesome experiments, Father tests Davion’s blood on himself and is transformed into a part-dragon hybrid, healed of his most significant physical flaw. But unfortunately, the effects wear off, and he’s left human with his left hand still withered and useless. He is later possessed by Terroblade, who uses him to attack Davion, Kade, Bram, and Femryn. In his battle with a transformed Davion, he gets thrown from the roof of Dragon Hold and falls to his death.

5. Legatus Tihomir (extremely satisfying)

Also, a new character, Tihomir, openly antagonizes Mirana upon her return to Helio Imperium all because she believes her affluence, which bought her a seat on the army’s council, gives her a say. When Shabbar dies, and it’s time to choose a new Regent, she arrogantly flaunts her money and ownership of half of the Kingdom’s army as a reason to be selected.

When she sees she’s lost the support of the people, she backs her fellow contender, Lina, to spite Mirana. It was highly satisfying to see Asar cut her head off as she led an army in the name of Viceroy Kashurra, who had been revealed to be The Void and an enemy of the land.

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4. Mirana (excruciating)

The princess’ death was undoubtedly the most unexpected this season. It almost seemed like her decision to marry Shabbar and stay to protect her home had doomed her. And with the timing of her death set just a few moments after she had reunited with Davion, it appeared most cruel to watch her die in his arms, with a golden arrow from Varani no less. Such bitter irony.

But, alas, she proved a true conqueror of death and a worthy bearer of her name as she awoke from limbo with help from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Her death ranks number 4 because it was a massive blow to fans even though revived.

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3. Lina (painful)

Not many characters showed as much potential as Lina did. She harbored power many could only dream of. Sadly, that power and her self-imposed sense of justice blinded her to many things. She believed Mirana was equally as unbothered as Shabbar and feared her marriage to him would doom the people of Helio Imperium. But, if she’d only gotten to know Mirana, she’d have seen otherwise.

In the end, her honesty was her undoing. Because if she had never told Davion the truth about sending Varani to murder Mirana, he would’ve been there to protect her from Viceroy Kashurra

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2. Auroth (heart-wrenching)

When we are first introduced to Auroth, she’s nothing but a giant and beautiful icy blue dragon, but through her interactions with Bram, we learn she’s nothing like Terrorblade or Slyrak. Her mere presence bleeds love, compassion, selflessness, and warmth, attributes that make her human.

Though her screen-time is cut short, she leaves an indelible impression on all our hearts. If more dragons were as knowledgeable and open-minded as her, there would be sustainable peace between all kinds of species. Her sacrifice for Bram and Mirana leaves us hopeful that this future is possible.

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  1. Marci (intensely excruciating)

The same season we get a backstory to Marci and Mirana’s friendship turns out to be the same one we lose her for good. There aren’t many sidekicks built quite like Marci. Though mute, her presence speaks volumes, and her loyalty is invaluable.

Through every situation, she never stops believing in Mirana and is there to shield her from all manners of evil. Her death by the hands of Viceroy Kashurra has changed the course of the show and leaves much thought to how much loss the battle against Terrorblade will claim.

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