Art in Medicine & Rehab
Art defines as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
This can be apply in any damned profession. I am inspired about this idea by reading book called ‘ Jugaad’ , its all about how innovation happened. I learnt that most of the innovation are because of compulsion and that's why big corporates are now eyeing to developing or poor countries for search of innovators.
How one get deliver the services or the product or manufacture the product in a most effective and efficient manner? Yes by making it more artful. Artful means of innovation in making or in selling. Innovators does not mean that it should be new only. Old concepts or the product delivered in novel ideology which can also be the innovation.
Many time all the rehab clients i treats needs the handouts to remember the exercise or the instruction given by me in a innovative manner so that they can remember easily, which is challenge to me and i always like to take this.Why now days we see lots of mobile application ,websites or even marketing materials with catchy colors and artful ideology ? That's not for fun or the liking of the producers but the liking of the receipt. Thats the science which emerged few years back and its called as ‘ Neuro-marketing’.
This rough novel terminology hits me when i usually see television adverts which are mostly emotional.Don’t you see big brands advert showing or playing around with the family members or the friends. Why not with past ideology of models and showing body stuff.This i all because of recent study done by neuro-marketers, who tels many facts.
why we like more lives things than the recorded series or predictable visuals. study states, human like more of unpredictable things than the predictable things.Visuals are better than the written contents.
Let’s understand that how we transmit visual information ? Though terminology in this are not so familiar by lehman , its simply says that how and which are of the brain perceive the visuals and which areas give the image and from where the feedback goes. By knowing this we can apply the are of the brain which we needs t target.If we only wants our clients to perceive than we can localise the function and design the artful visuals accordingly.
Whatever we see or imagine are transmitted in pictorial way. Yes its true. Try out sometime by see only pictures and only text ? which you remembers most easily ?
At last why art in physiotherapy ? I am sure pictures says all.