BeliEVE’s performance assessment after 3 months of use

A review of BeliEVE, a new cutting edge Savings Management platform, part I

6 min readJul 4, 2019

I. Introduction — few words about me & BeliEVE

I.a. Few words about me

I discovered BeliEVE end of March 2019, and thought I would give it a try. Since then, positively convinced by this platform, I intend to present results obtained by me and a few other users to a larger audience through this short article.

I.b. Few words about BeliEVE

BeliEVE positions itself as a Savings Management platform on crypto-markets. It is an all-in-one solution that will host your funds on Binance and from them, will conduct trading on its own. A short presentation is available here (scroll down the page).

BeliEVE is open to everyone, with a minimal deposit of 100$ (USDT). Before getting started, you will have first to sign up an account on After a standard KYC procedure you will be able to provision an asset (USDT) for BeliEVE to manage.

During this process, you will have to chose between different portfolio modes (Aggressive, Moderate, or Conservative or a user-defined mix), and trading job will then start in an automated way.

Once logged in BeliEVE interface, you will notice three “wallets”:

  • Sweet pot — this “wallet” is where BeliEVE deposits most of your profits for you to cashout, or re-invest, or simply leave “unused”.
  • Portfolio — this “wallet” shows you the total asset used for trading (that you have deposited, or re-invested from Sweet pot), as well as the share between “free asset” & “locked asset”. (currently locked in on-going trades)
  • PCL wallet — BeliEVE takes fees on profits that are deposited in your Sweet pot. You may chose to pay either 12,5% fees on your profits by paying them with PCL (ERC20 token available directly on PECULIUM website,or IDEX or Hotbit exchanges) or 25% fees if you retain USDT to pay them.
BeliEVE interface

Finally, let’s add that as soon as transactions (deposit, cashout, re-invest…) & trades are completed, they are detailed in a csv file that can be downloaded from your account. Results presented here below have been gathered from this file.

Interface to download your transaction file

II. BeliEVE performances

II.a. Few words about the methodology

Different choices can be considered to compute earning ratios, which will yield different results. The methodology retained is thus presented here.

Which profits to consider?

Depending of the outcome of a trade, different situations can arise, and profits or losses will not necessarily impact the same “wallet”, Sweet pot or Portfolio:

  • profits from trading are deposited in Sweet pot
  • losses from trading are removed from the Portfolio
  • sometime, an on-going trade is compounded with a new trade. The first trade will be “virtually” closed, and be presented as a loss in the Portfolio
  • when such a trade compounding occurs, the last trade will be closed with a big gain either left in the Portfolio as a re-invest, or deposited as a profit in the Sweet pot

As can be understood from above presented situations, assessing full BeliEVE performances require to monitor what happens in the Portfolio, in addition to profits deposited in Sweet pot. This choice has been retained for computing a daily earning ratio.

Let’s also further mention that gross profits are considered, i.e. before BeliEVE takes any fees (be them in PCL or USDT).

Which asset for trading to consider?

Size of asset considered to compute a daily earning ratio is the one at the end of said day. It could have been for instance the one at the end of the previous day. But trades conducted by BeliEVE can last from a few minutes to a few days. Considering the asset of current day appears to be as relevant.


From the two quantities presented above, a daily earning ratio is computed (daily profits over size of asset used for trading at the end of said day). From this daily percent, weekly and monthly earning ratios are introduced:

  • weekly earning rate is the average of the daily earning ratios over a week, multiplied by seven days
  • monthly earning rate, similarly, is the average of the daily earning ratios over a month, multiplied by the number of days in said month

Simple enough.

II.b. Studied portfolios

Results of 5 portfolios (5 users) are presented here below, so as to illustrate what can be the variability in performances between different available modes.

  • Ap & Ak are 2 similar portfolios, with the same Aggressive mode.
  • C3M3A3m is a portfolio with approximately one third of asset in Conservative mode, one third in Moderate mode and one third in Aggressive mode.
  • C6M3A1m is a portfolio with approximately 60% in Conservative mode, 30% in Moderate mode and 10% in Aggressive mode.
  • M7A3p is a portfolio with approximately 70% in Moderate mode and 30% in Aggressive mode.

II.c. Weekly earning rates

After all this bla-bla-bla, time to get a look at BeliEVE’s weekly earning ratios for our 5 portfolios!

Weekly earning ratios

Following points are worth mentioning:

  • weekly earning ratio is usually above 0,5%, frequently above 1% and in few cases can surge above 2,5% (keep in mind, per week).
  • the only case a weekly earning ratio has not beeen above 0%, and has actually been negative (-2,5%) occured because of losing trades whith BCHSV at time of its delisting from Binance.
  • finally, let’s also highlight that performances are different for all 5 portfolios, even the 2 portfolios with same aggressive mode.

For the last point, one may highlight two possible reasons:

  • First, one has to keep in mind that BeliEVE cares about which appropriate volume of asset should be used to make sure its trades remain profitable. So all asset (from all users) is not used for the same trades, hence a difference in results.
  • Second, it is worth recalling that crypto-market is volatile, and some asset can remain locked in a trade for a while till sufficient profits are generated. As a result, asset from a given user may not be available when new trading opportunities arise, which will be available for another user that just deposited or re-invested new asset into BeliEVE.

II.d. Monthly earning rates

Monthly earning rates are interesting to review as you may want to compare BeliEVE’s profits with your own income or bills paid monthly.

From above graph, one may note that:

  • for most portfolios, a monthly earning ratio above 2% is frequent. It can actually surge above 6%.
  • some portfolios with mix of modes (C6M3A1m & M7A3p) can perform as good as a full aggressive portfolio (Ap).
  • the negative weekly earning ratio obtained in April for portfolio Ak (-2,5%) has been fully recovered at month level.

III. Conclusions

Here ends the first part of this analysis focused on BeliEVE’s performances. Obviously some care should be taken when reviewing this study, as it only presents 3 months of activity.

Nonetheless, these first excellent results are worth reporting. One should notice that this Savings Management platform delivers steady profits, with earning ratios usually above 2% and even above 3% per month. This makes it clearly outperforming traditional Savings Management systems.

These performances may not be the ones that can be achieved after years of experience in trading, but are available to everyone. BeliEVE doesn’t pretend to compete with expert traders either.

For interested readers, a second part giving more information about BeliEVE’s trading style can be found here:

  • traded pairs,
  • average gain profile per trade,
  • and more… ;)

If you feel this work presents some interesting information, and would you like to give BeliEVE a try by signing up an account, please, consider using my referral link. ;)

If you do invest, please, do it wisely by respecting the one golden rule in investment: never invest money that you can’t afford to lose.

To know more about BeliEVE:

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