Berkhamsted School: A Comprehensive Admission Guide

School Uni Guide
4 min readMay 6, 2024


Berkhamsted School stands as a beacon of academic excellence and holistic education, situated in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. Established in 1997, the institution has a rich history rooted in its predecessors: Berkhamsted Boys School, Berkhamsted Girls School, and Berkhamsted Prep School. Renowned for its commitment to providing outstanding education, Berkhamsted School boasts a diverse student body of approximately 1850 individuals. Beyond academic achievements, the school offers a plethora of extracurricular activities, facilitated by its exceptional facilities. However, such excellence comes at a cost, with Berkhamsted School fees reflecting the institution’s dedication to maintaining high standards across all aspects of education.

Berkhamsted School Admissions Process

For Berkhamsted admissions for prospective Year 7 students aiming for September 2024 entry, a detailed process is outlined. The key steps include registering by the deadline of 27th September 2023 for both Berkhamsted Boys School and Berkhamsted Girls School. As part of the essential entry requirements, candidates must undertake the ISEB Common Pre-Test between 9th and 13th October, followed by obtaining a reference from their current school. Those who complete these steps proceed to the Holistic Assessment Day on 18th October, where they engage in various activities and assessments. Additionally, scholarship applications are due by 9th October, with specific assessments slated for November. Final assessment and scholarship outcomes will be communicated via email by 6th December 2023. Accepted candidates must confirm their place by the deadline in March 2024.

Berkhamsted School Exam Preparation

Preparation for the 11+ Assessment, commonly known as the ISEB Common Pretest, is paramount for prospective Berkhamsted School students. This online exam evaluates proficiency in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Each section is carefully designed to assess specific skills, such as comprehension, problem-solving, and critical thinking. With a duration of approximately 2.5 hours, candidates must manage their time effectively across the different sections. Regular practice, mock tests, and targeted improvement strategies are instrumental in ensuring success in the Berkhamsted School entrance exam.

Berkhamsted School A Levels and GCSE Performance

The academic prowess of Berkhamsted School students is exemplified by their exceptional A Level and GCSE results. Despite facing challenges, such as the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, students consistently achieve outstanding grades. In 2022, A Level results showcased a remarkable 69.4% of students attaining A*-A grades, while GCSE results demonstrated 90.4% achieving A*-B grades. Moreover, the school places a strong emphasis on holistic education, nurturing students’ life skills to prepare them for success beyond academics.

Berkhamsted School Leaver’s Destinations

The destinations of Berkhamsted School leavers underscore the institution’s commitment to academic excellence and student success. Graduates secure placements in prestigious universities both in the UK and abroad, including the likes of the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, and the University of Exeter. Additionally, some students opt for apprenticeships as part of their further education journey, reflecting the diverse pathways available to Berkhamsted School alumni.

Facilities and Extra-Curricular Activities

Berkhamsted School prides itself on offering a diverse range of extra-curricular activities to complement its academic curriculum. With over 70 clubs and societies to choose from, students have ample opportunities to explore their interests and talents. From science and theatre to sports and photography, there’s something for everyone at Berkhamsted School. The institution’s state-of-the-art facilities further enhance the student experience, providing a conducive environment for learning and personal development.

School Catchment

One of the defining features of Berkhamsted School is its inclusive admissions policy, which operates without specific catchment area restrictions. This means that students from all backgrounds and locations are eligible to apply for admission, regardless of their geographical proximity to the school. Furthermore, Berkhamsted School offers convenient coach services, ensuring easy access for students from various areas and fostering a diverse and inclusive community.

Social Media Profiles of Berkhamsted School

Berkhamsted School maintains an active presence on various social media platforms, engaging with students, parents, and the community at large. Through platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, the school shares updates on events, achievements, and important announcements, fostering a sense of belonging and community among its stakeholders.

Tips to Crack the 11 Plus Entrance Exam for Berkhamsted School

Preparation is key to success in the Berkhamsted School entrance exam. Prospective students are advised to adopt a structured study plan, focusing on regular practice and targeted improvement. Developing strong reading and math skills, managing time effectively, and familiarizing oneself with the exam format through mock tests are essential strategies for success. On the day of the exam, remaining calm, confident, and well-rested can significantly enhance performance. Consistent effort and dedication are crucial for achieving success in the Berkhamsted School entrance exam.

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