Pick and Dust
5 min readJun 26, 2019

Adversity of Underestimation

Source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/animals-cat-pet-television-criticism-couples-rron67_low.jpg

Judging a person is as simple as shattering a glass, don’t you think? We just observe someone or something from the outside and boom! A comment, based on our assumption, gets shot out just like that. Our judgment about someone can often times lead to underestimation.

There was a time in my life when more than anyone else, I underestimated myself. Growing up, I’ve been a shy and introvert person (although presently very much less than before) with less self-regard . But with course of time I realized if I always imprison myself within the wall of under confidence, I would never be able to figure what I might be capable of. And from then onward, I started pursuing different interests with a positive attitude towards life.

Here’s a hypothetical situation. Imagine yourself as a person who is physically stout. You love dancing. So you tell some of your peers about your desire to pursue a career in dancing. “You? Dancing? With that fat body!? Please try being realistic. You can never dance with this kind of a physique!”- This is the kind of underestimation which can very naturally affect anyone's self esteem.

Source: https://media1.tenor.com/images/4b9562957cfec951a3031c860ef9b601/tenor.gif?itemid=12421202

It feels awful to be looked down upon, right?If you negatively dwell into other peoples underestimated views, it can potentially lead to harmful effects on mental health.

  1. Fear:
Source: https://media1.tenor.com/images/45053840b2e302fc4bf3e9ccae5210ae/tenor.gif?itemid=7916062

When people negatively questions your ability , deep down, you start doubting your own worth as well. The actual problem begins when you start fearing that their judgment about you is, in fact, true. To prove them wrong, you aimlessly rush into things. Life, being set with constant challenges, makes you stumble on your path and fall short of chances around in certain circumstances. So as you fail, fear gradually invades your mind; fear of letting down your family, fear of losing to yourself, and fear of losing at life.

2. Lose motivation:

Source: https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-10/10/14/enhanced/webdr05/anigif_enhanced-4605-1412966168-5.gif

The moment you accept yourself as worthless, you lose motivation for putting effort at anything in life. “Maybe that’s how things are supposed to be”- is what you would mutter to yourself. Laziness bounds your soul. Your mind completely eliminates the fact that you have the ability to navigate your own life towards your desired goal.

3. Diminishing self confidence

Source: https://media1.giphy.com/media/3o6ZsSkiTwpqhwey08/giphy.gif

At some point, the slightest bit of self-confidence within you gets onto the verge of being diminished. Why? Maybe because people round you, sometimes even the closest ones, become a constant reminder of your failures. They brim fill you mind with pessimism using adjectives like “Loser”, “Dumb” “Ugly” or “Useless”. All these negative vibes dig down your self- esteem. In other words, you consider yourself as a puppet being steered solely by luck.

4. Suicidal Thoughts:

Source: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/JollyOffbeatBobolink-small.gif

The persistence to frustration can cause your inner soul to become rock solid. It’s only then when your life seems blank. You do not have a zeal for life nor do you feel the value of your existence. And so, suicidal thought swirls in your mind.

You can’t let someone’s underestimation of your capability take over your life. Life does not go smoothly all the time. Underestimation is something that can also help you turn your life around.

  1. Talk:
Source: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/kt-tGwnUQ7VI_rb42pF0Z9Jd3iM/fit-in/1200x630/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-:fill-!white!-/2018/08/22/797/n/1922283/399d117be828648d_tumblr_pdobws9AN21qaj29vo1_500/i/Meaningful-Conversation.gif

First things first, talk to a close friend, a family member, or a therapist about your problem. Sharing your problem with the right person can help you feel 40 times lighter. On top of that, it gives you the possibility to come up with a solution to your issues.

2. Question:

Source: https://media.tenor.com/images/d42196c206f55c6576181fbb050106f0/tenor.gif

As soon as you hear criticism about you from someone, try to know the reason why they feel that way. Try to constructively analyze their criticism. It will help you to identify your lacking.

3. Stay positive:

Source: https://www.sparkcentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/CANDO.gif

When someone judges you, do not let it take over you. Actions speak louder than words. Prove them your worth and capability with your actions. Time will show them how wrong they are about you.

4. Work on yourself:

Source: https://media1.giphy.com/media/xT5LMSleuVuCe24KLC/source.gif

Jot down a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Utilize your strengths and work hard on your weaknesses. For instance -if you face difficulty in speaking fluently, speak more and more until you master the art of elocution. Set a goal for yourself and don’t stop till you achieve it.

5. “Me” Time:

Souce: https://booksrockmyworlddotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/reading-book-rainy-day-cozy-animated-gif.gif?w=330&h=299

The most important thing in the world for you is to have plenty of love for yourself. Set aside some time for yourself. Find your thing. Watch movies, practice music or play games; anything that lifts your spirit. Have a chat with yourself. Give yourself a self-boost to win at life. Happiness for your own self is what matters the most. If you have love for yourself only then can you can spread it to the whole world.


I hope this blog helps those who feel or have felt underestimated. Life is too short to linger into negativity. The world may underestimate you but never underestimate yourself.