Escaping path from One-sided Love effects

Pick and Dust
4 min readSep 9, 2019


Love can destroy you. Yup! You read it right. As much as it has the power to make your life blissful, it also bears the toxic ability to make you feel miserable. Not everyone’s experience of love turns out like Romeo and Juliet. When you have strong feelings for someone (who might be a friend) but he/she does not feel the same way about you, it can be extremely hurtful; hurtful to such an extent that you feel dead from the inside.

I have a number of friends who fell a prey to the devastating effects of one-sided love. That’s why I can understand how much of a severe impact it can have on a person. It is hard but not impossible to redeem yourself from the adverse effects of unrequited love. Here are few means which might work for your situation.

  1. Let it all out:

One sided love is something extremely upsetting. No one can realize how distressing it is until they experience it for themselves. Being deprived of the first love of your life can create a heart wrenching or tormenting emotion in you. You might feel empty, disappointed, angry or frustrated. Whatever kind of emotion you feel let it all out. Do not suppress it. Openly expressing your emotion is the first step to healing.

2. Think from “their” perspective:


Turning down someone is not easy, especially if he/she has been a friend. Yes, indeed it is extremely painful for you but also hard from their part as well. Put yourself in their place and think. How would you feel if you had to say “No” to a proposal? It’s undoubtedly not a great sight to see a gleeful face turn into a rueful expression, right? It requires honesty and courage to discard such proposals. If you are a friend or a friend like acquaintance to him/her it becomes even harder. When they reject the idea of stepping into a relation of being more than “just friends”, they bear an awful lot of fear to loose the special bond of friendship which might not remain the same after it. So, there must be reasonable reasons why they do not want to proceed in a relationship with you.

3. Decentralize your focus:


Sometimes when people fall in love they centralize their entire life upon their love interest. Each and every aspect of your life seems to be attached to him/her. So, when things don’t work out the way you imagined, your entire life seems empty. As they say, when you put all your egg in one basket but drop it, you lose everything. So, decentralize your focus from him/her and start focusing on other aspects of your life. You have family, friends, career and yourself to think about. Have a balanced concentration on each aspect of your life.

4. Distract yourself


Locking yourself up in your room and dwelling into the thoughts of him/her can do no good. In fact, it would increase the intensity of your pain. So, make yourself busy. You can hangout out with your friends and family, pursue your hobbies and passion or travel at different places.

5. Distance:


We do not have a switch in our system to put a stop a certain feeling all at once. The more you see them, the tougher it will be to get over the agony. So create distance from him/her. Avoid all sort of interaction with them. Remove him/her from your social media accounts.

6. Avoid rushing into dating again:


It’s a good idea to start dating other people again. Nevertheless, if you haven’t completely healed over your past love experience, dating again is a big “No”. Some people believe that dating other people can help you forget about your ex-love but it’s a misconception. Dating someone again, keeping an embedded feelings of your previous love interest, can make things even worse. So do not rush into dating unless you’re 100% sure that you’re ready for it.

I hope these points can help you bounce back in life from the adversity of one-sided love. Do not be hopeless but also do not get your hopes up too high. Fate has its way to get you to the right person who will love you unconditionally.

