Spending Time in Quarantine

Pick and Dust
5 min readMar 22, 2020


Source: https://gumlet.assettype.com/thequint%2F2020-03%2F6c6c64db-6307-4f6c-9349-1f111490df46%2Fhero_image.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&w=320&dpr=2.6

Boredom, panic attack and confusion; these are the common state of most of the minds right now. Given that the world at present is being pestered with a viral attack it had never experienced; it is of course something for us to be alarmed about. Yet panicking in this difficult situation would make it worse. So pacify your mind to fight through it safely. Maintain proper hygiene, stay informed and ensure social distancing is a must.

Speaking of social distancing, a lot of areas in different countries all around the world are being completely quarantined. So people are bound to restrict their movements outside. Most of the people, especially youngsters, are passing their days being bored or contemplating a Covid-19 attack.

Here’s the common scenario I’ve been seeing in social media. Those “anonymous text apps”, “I‘ll text you 3 names then you’ll have to write something about them- posts”or “Guess his/her 10 answer apps” have arisen in trends in this quarantine situation. I mean yes, surely they can be fun. But, ask yourself. Is it a good idea that you keep spending your days solely on them?
In a way, it is actually a chance to utilize this given time into activities you cannot do in your usual hectic scheduled life.

So just to light things up, I am about to suggest some ideas on how you can “unbore” yourself during quarantine.


Source: https://clipartmag.com/images/sleep-animations-12.gif

Haven’t gotten enough sleep during your regular schedules? This is the perfect time to meet up your incomplete sleeping sessions. A sound Sleep is the best way to bring mind back into an active and productive state.

So first things first, get enough sleep to recharge your lost energy.

Complete left over submissions with ease

Source: https://media.giphy.com/media/26wfQrP51M7TJGBiHL/giphy.gif

If you are a student, chances are those academic stresses haven’t left your back. It is painful and pathetic when you think of it. Personally I used to get exhausted by the time I reach home after the back to back class schedules, part time work and tiresome bus traveling. So I have a pending research and assignment submission as well.

However, at least we’re not going through that hassle of physically attending classes.

You can just lean your back on the pillow, sip on your own cup of tea/coffee, play your favorite music track and complete them with ease. The result is always better off without baggage of exhaustion.

Play indoor games with your family

Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgiphy.com%2Fgifs%2Fseason-3-the-simpsons-3x24-3orieMvIzyjwayeK1q&psig=AOvVaw2JpJ4pwP4eiC5B8bh1KNeI&ust=1584996718059000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCPC63ob7rugCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ

It is not very often that everyone in family comes together. Getting tied up with work, projects or classes by everyone is pretty natural.

But now since your confined at home, it is best that you spend fun time with your family. UNO, Ludo, Monopoly; you name it. Just pick one up and start shuffling those cards or dices.


Source: https://media1.tenor.com/images/0ea7cc7611adb037ae2dc07105dfd66c/tenor.gif?itemid=11452313

In this time of crisis and tension, the best way to soothe it is through music.

So if you are a music enthusiast, brush up your skills of playing your favorite musical instruments. Develop your singing voice through vocal warm up exercises. Sing your heart out. Maybe, cover a song or two?

Crafts and Paintings

Source: https://pro2-bar-s3-cdn-cf6.myportfolio.com/4538f44d99f078f9d3637b8a05d5d1fd/70cf9412-a0db-4dd5-9e09-bb302f80b970_rw_1200.gif?h=d8fcba18ce7f79583391f7a8a7a0b63d

This pandemic outbreak is bewildering our conscious mind into out of the world radical and random thoughts.

Express them through portraits or DIY craft work. Take those paint brushes and colors and stroke your way through it. The depicted message of your art might create an impact. Who knows? It might even save someone’s life. So, publish your artwork online too.

also, developing skills on digital illustration is also a wise choice you can opt if you are into graphical artworks.

Read Books

Source: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/TediousPlumpJackrabbit-size_restricted.gif

Books are the best companion in all circumstances. They open doors of escape and also brings you closer to rationality.

So hey book lover! Get your hands over one of those stacks of “to be read” books.


Copy: https://66.media.tumblr.com/0b7a4c458b72c7236423ea6988ed33ba/fea87d9e0a7c2d5b-4e/s1280x1920/9b638be957d55e3a7b38cf9a9d265dc6a9ccfa6a.gifv

Something which I am doing right now. Expressing my thoughts by phrasing them into words and sentences.

Writing frees your soul. Scream, laugh, cry or agonize through your words. It not only helps you but someone reading it might find a new purpose; an inspiration.

Movies/TV series

Source: https://media1.tenor.com/images/034a997458e9317fcd47defb395e9ed6/tenor.gif?itemid=4713676

I usually fail to make time for watching movies or TV series. Undoubtedly it is an amusing pass time.

More often than not, we get to learn life values from them. So pick a great movie/series and maybe binge watch it with your siblings or parents.


Source: https://66.media.tumblr.com/2137261cd0737f6bebc60e74648a77af/tumblr_pfrqoua0mx1wzvt9qo1_540.gif

If you’re fond of cooking; grab those sugar, spice and everything nice to cook something special. Experiment with new ingredients. Food always spread happiness.

But yes, it’s a real bummer when I only see home made delicious pictures online but do not get to taste them for real.


Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b2/02/96/b20296cf65f52fa2602af6391a5e5fb7.gif

Our mind works by how we convince it. In this adversity of Corona crisis, meditation would be best for each individual.

Focus and listen to the silence of life. You’ll hear the unheard and will connect to a stronger part of your self.

So you see you’re never out of things to spend your time productively. These are just 10 suggestions. I am sure there more suffs which would work for you. Just find your thing and go with it. But being bored should never be an option. Our life is not certain enough to pass it off sluggishly. Hence, make each day count.

