What Is A Volley In Pickleball?

Joe Polls
2 min readAug 13, 2023


Hello fellow pickleball enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to delve into a crucial aspect of our beloved game — the volley. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “What is a volley in pickleball?”, you’re in the right place.

A volley in pickleball is a shot that must be taken without the ball ever touching the ground. This means the ball must be hit out of the air and back to an opponent before it can strike the court. The shot should have a pretty low to medium trajectory and must also be far slower than other types of hits. Yet during a round of volleys, where you and any opponents are hitting volleys back and forth, the pacing of the game can be quicker and almost chaotic.

Volleying is only permitted in the non-volley zone of the pickleball court, just after the area where the kitchen can be found. If a volley occurs anywhere else, including the kitchen, it will be considered a fault.

There are a few different types of volleys that you must know of when it comes to playing a game of pickleball. These include the Dink Volley, Drop Volley, Punch Volley, and Roll Volley. Each of these volleys has its unique characteristics and uses in the game, and mastering them can significantly enhance your gameplay.

The volley is an excellent move to have in your arsenal when it comes to playing pickleball. If you are prepared to make a volley, you will be positioning yourself to win more points in a single game. This is because more points are both won and lost at the net.

To improve your pickleball volley, remember to stay low, keep your eyes trained on the ball, consider your foot position, adjust when necessary, and most importantly, practice! The experience of volleying during a match will be useful, but it is the time and effort that you put into practicing the game that will make a difference.

In conclusion, volleys are all about scoring points rather than seeing who can hit the ball back and forth the most. So, next time you’re on the court, remember these tips and strategies, and you’ll be volleying like a pro in no time!

READ THE FULL POST: What Is A Volley In Pickleball?



Joe Polls

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