The story of food : Part 01

Hariraj K
1 min readOct 31, 2019

Human history has always been fascinating. From our emergence 315 thousand years ago to the modern-day present, food has been something that connects us all. How did food go from something we gathered for survival to something that we have fought wars over? Or better yet, how did we go from gathering and hunting to scientific methods of farming? Why and what factors affect traditional cuisines? We’ll follow stories as we find answers to these queries.

Incas : The agriculture mega minds

For thousands of years, the human population has remained fairly constant. This was mostly due to the scarcity of food.(Accompanied by unpredictable weather).

Source: Our World in Data

The Incas civilization (settled in present-day Brazil) were accustomed to lack of plain terrain and consistent weather. Their effort to survive led to the birth of terrace farming. This meant that each layer of crops got different amounts of sunlight and rainfall thus leading to better throughput in the farming process. Most staple foods such as potatoes and chilies are popular due to the Incas civilization. (The Irish famines and Indian Nawabs played their part too. But that is another story.)

