Arunn Sharma
10 min readJun 30, 2016


When it comes to surviving a Long Distance Relationship, I’m sure you’ve heard enough about Do’s and Don’t tips.

If you’re looking for some practical tips that really works, then you’ll love this infographic.

long distance relationship infographic

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What is relationship?

It is the so called permanent attachment with someone that at some point you can’t defy to be not in relation with someone or something else emotionally or physically like your family.

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In the Ravages of time nothing stands for much, even the mightiest of kings and gods bow before the TIME and always keep this Quote in your mind for good grooming for the long distance relationship.

“Someone once told me that, time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we’ve lived. After all Number One, we’re only mortal.”

That was from the star trek movie. And it is really applicable in long distance relationship..BELIEVE IT OR NOT.

But one thing which I SEE and believe is that RELATIONSHIP promises its eternal existence spotlessly with the all the time you have got in this universe. Until and after your very death too because soul is to energy neither it can be created nor it can be destroyed.

And Now you can relate the word soulmate,and how important it is for the eternal existence of a couple.

So, let’s cut to the chase and apparently that’s why you are reading above all bullshit about relationship’s opinion of mine.

So you want it to be long distance if that is what you want it to be…is .. …Permanent and filled with drive and coolness. But for one instance if you look or observe some of the infinite relationship that will be of blood relation.

As for that relationship you don’t need any tips as it truly ensures the nature’s best gift because naturally you are so into each other that at some point you can not even imagine your life without them that is from your Mother to father and siblings. And may be that’s WHAT FAMILY IS TO EVERYONE.

SO HERE are some tips for the long distance relationship’s and not a long distance relationship because it must have to be particular.

  • Soulmate
  • First and most important you must know if he or she is the right person or not. Its very important to know.
  • Well as i said in above that time is a companion and it doesn’t stalks(Predates) as ‘’With time you realize everything like you have been grown to your early mistakes and that’s how it cherishes you, and that is what it means that from learning for past gives the best present ever, and most importantly for the relationship with time You will feel sad, frustrated and angry but you must not think regretful, alone and declined of being close without even being close because you are regretting that choice of yours.
  • You can find if it is the right person (SOULMATE) or not as if it is the body attraction or soul bond between both of you so word of advice don’t rush take your time as it will cherish you with truth, and with time of lapse, take your decision.
  • Beware of one sided Love
  • Are you both into yourself or not?
  • After reading the first tip you may find that person your soulmate as you are not attracted to that person’s body you love that person soulfully right from all the 4 chambers of your heart and billions of your neurons then what if i give you a shock like there is a movie ‘’500 days of summer, where summer is the girl and there is a boy let it be you boy loves girl girl loves boy but not soulfully, as movie(LET IT BE YOUR LIFE) goes on she got cherished with time and realizes that it was never him(The boy) and end up heart broking him for a long time but you know that after every summer, AUTUMN comes and the movie ends happily but it doesn’t always happens so ensure first that are you both in soulfully or not and it also takes time. So wait for it but don’t get old huh.
  • Advice :- You can’t make someone love you forcefully because you know REAL is original and love doesn’t needs duplicates as you love your family they love you back, they loves the original you no matter how you are because in long run of relationship no duplicancy or fakeness remains for much time.
  • G.K(GENERAL KNOWLEDGE) its not that G.K but it is of that category it shows your soul I.Q as it helps in the full awareness towards each others’ care or simply LOVE and that includes 5 things
  • 1. Likes and dislikes or simply each others’ comfort zone.
  • 2.Your worst fear and fantasies, one thing you should know about fear is ‘’Its okay to be in fear and afraid as it ensures that you are going to do very brave and unexpected for each other’’ and fantasies…aah you don’t need any elaboration in this.
  • 3. You must know each others TO do list and have some common interests and do some things together, which you both love and cooperate…and it can be anything don’t make it something professional..
  • 4.Your Pros and cons as an individual. You know one thing you are human i m human and not any one of us are perfect but if you try to attain perfection you can certainly achieve excellence, so but its hard to go you already know this. you can’t be smiling with that person forever but you can figure out the way with you both can pass on some thundering days you must know your weakness’s or negative point and most importantly a way, a way that no one knows in spite of you that how to overcome each others negative emotions from your anger to paranoiding sadism and that’s what maybe love is that the person makes you feel that’’ I HAVE got your back don’t worry, and I STILL LOVE YOU.NO matter what comes from my side or your side or from this world.”
  • After knowing everything now what left in that I.Q part is that persons original world where he or she spends time or had spended time like that person’s family when that person is not with you…and keep a close account on that persons family and close friends if you want it to be long distance…
dont plan everything
  • And now Let’s Plan It
  • A plan is an intelligent set of idea which helps to tackle Long distant commitments or GOALS.
  • Like planning yourself a good health by daily excercises and some steamy chats or some of your daily schedules maybe, but always keep one thing in your mind that you don’ t always need a plan or a schedule to be happy make plans but don’t always rush into your carrier or money related plans to be rich because sometimes you get rich enough when you are satisfied that whats in your plate, and please don’t ever try to sneek a peek into others so seeming life, because there can also be someone who can be peeking into yours.Taking good Care of each other also comes in planning in a caring way and always be protective towards each other and not overprotective because sometimes it sucks and embarasses.
  • After knowing every corner of that person, that now you know that you so far love or that person loves you, now what you need is TRUST and that is the only thing i also don’t know how to make it last longer because it’s hidden and is very complex in itself to make it belied but you know what LOVE IS TRUST and that is the only thing which havd so much power in this phrase as’’ I TRUST YOU , YOU TRUST ME BACK AND I DON’T NEED ANY ONE MORE…to contradict that…SO it means I LOVE U I HAVE LOVED AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.
  • Warning Do Not Get Addicted To It
  • What i mean from addiction is bodily addiction as this world needs more than you apart than close as i m saying on the basis of your working class lifestyle, as in today most of couple works more than love but taking news or update on your loved one will only make you overprotective and selflessly partner conscious which is addiction in its own..terms of unable to be bodily apart..from each other but it doesn’t means you should blackout on your own …you must ask and find that whether that person is fine or not.
  • BORING (or getting Bored) Then You need a change
  • It’s life and if mathematically there are 365 days in a year then no one can guarantee you those 365 of them that is 86,400 seconds(seconds in a day ) to be filled with joy and fun you may certainly feel sad, angry, pain but remember no regret huh.
  • So what’s the Solution of getting bored of each other?
  • Keep this thing in mind that you are human and when you are in love with someone it doesn’t mean that you will be the same forever and what I meant from BEING SAME FOREVER is that you will get cherished with time in someways and you will realize certain ravages accidents, misery, heartache and this list goes on and on with time so whats the solution.
  • YEAH i am suggesting below, so read on for all those boredom in so seeming light years of couple life.Your relationship in long distant will be definetely going to have this confession. With time huh…you will notice these things
  • 1. Your relationship at starting age was filled with adrenaline rush hormonally and mindfully. and now what it has become is a over matured and responsible adult thing just like conventional husband wife.
  • 2. You may feel cold and lost in desperation and one day you will build up hope but till then failure will be all you have known then remember all the sadness and frustration and you must both let it go.
  • ⁠⁠⁠3. HORRIBLE confessions and Truths. You may face horrible things from financial crisis to emotional challenges of previous life or things you never imagined will happen to you because it is life.
  • Sorry but really i am also not able to fix that but i can give you some tips for that part..
  • Keep this quote in mind ‘I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored.
    Or simply explore it prevents boredom, explore with your partner, because there will always be something to say, feel and see.

    ‘’A Problem shared is a problem halved.’’ INSPIRATION is everything inspire yourself in time to time and don’t be hypocrite and procastinator.
  • Sharing Is the Best Medicine
  • SHARE everything from dreams to your fetishes to your sexual pleasures..fantasies and most importantly shear every laugh and every fear.
  • STAY positive
  • Find inspiration and real philosophy of life. ‘’Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.’’everything happens for a reason as you may not find the reason at that time but sooner or later you will realise it while watching back in the past…THE Problem with most of the most of ongoing relation arises due to lack to listen partner opinion some years from now and due to getting into certain addictive facilitie like SOCIAL MEDIA TO stuff you do online.

End of the Line

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As I said in this article that things happens to occur with reason you must have to keep your calm in coming years of your love. As everyone bows with time but you must know when it(RELATIONSHIP) can not withstand more or it’ s over because you only know you LOVE her when you LET HER GO. And then you must let her go But don’t worry after every summer autumn comes. Take it positively and that’s why i told you to not get addicted to that person because sooner or later you will end up being alone and stuff whatever be the reason.

Source Here: Long distance relationship : List Of Best Advice to make it work



Arunn Sharma

I am a blogger and a content marketer. I’ve been working online since 2 years. Till day its been a very nice journey.