Pictier global release

1 min readDec 16, 2022


The pictier app is now available in English and downloadable worldwide!

Almost two years have passed since Pictier’s release in Japan, and we have been receiving steady feedback from users, so we are taking the next step and releasing the app globally.

“Social media fatigue” has become a hot topic not only in Japan, but all over the world. Social media users become so preoccupied with the number of replies and followers on social networking services that they gradually lose interest or feel an enormous amount of social pressure. We have chosen to design Pictier with a focus on “non-verbal communication” that allows users to immerse themselves purely in photography, and not have to worry about follows, likes or comments and status.

Pictier aims to provide a place where people around the world can genuinely enjoy sharing photos and connect with each other beyond language barriers. 2023 is the year we aim to reach 1 million downloads and grow into an app where people can post photos and immerse themselves in photography more than ever before.

Pictier global release




Pictier, the borderless social media app. A picture says a 1000 words! Add your photos to the map and experience the flow of time by stacking photos!