Nifty Gateway releases NFT Display for open beta

Pierce Dhaese
5 min readJul 20, 2020


Gone are the days of an NFT collector’s spouse asking “What are you going to do with all these ‘things’ you are spending our money on?” With Nifty Gateway Display, you can now display all of your beautiful nifties in your own home.

It takes mere minutes to get started with the Nifty Gateway Display App and join the future. Here is a guide on how to get started today!

1. The First Step — Select a Display Device — Tablet or TV

Nifty Gateway Display is able to run on any android enabled device. This gives you the option of displaying your nifties on a tablet or a TV. We will explain both options below.

Tablet Display

The first thing you will need is an android enabled tablet. If you already have one, then you are ready to go. If you don’t currently have a tablet, don’t worry. There are many tablets available online for under $200! Try to avoid cheaper tablets with lower computing power because it can affect the way your device displays GIF and video NFTs.

Once you have selected a tablet, you can download the Nifty Gateway Display app here or just search for Nifty Gateway in the google play store and move on to the setup in step 2.

One last thing on tablets, Nifty Gateway may, or may not, be coming out with custom nifty tablet display kits in the next few weeks. 🤫

TV Display

Once again, you will need a tv running Android OS.

If your TV is already running Android OS, you are good to go! You can check and see if your TV is running Android OS by seeing if you can download apps from the Google Play store on your TV. If you can’t, then it isn’t.

But that’s no big deal — it’s still easy to get your TV running Android OS. To do this, simply buy an Nvidia Shield, which is a external device that connects to your TV and lets you run Android OS on it. It costs $150 and takes 1 day to arrive on Amazon. You can find a link here: Nvidia Shield , or a link on Amazon here.

Once you have a device picked out, you have to make the tough decision, how do I want to display on my TV? The first, and easiest, option is to display your nifties on your existing TV setup. If this is your preference, you are good to go — just download the app and get started!

The other option is to mount a TV on the wall as a dedicated nifty display device. This is a much more difficult task but it is undoubtedly the holy grail of nifty displays. Also, there are some pretty cool companies out there that can provide a frame for your TV and really take the display to the next level. Just saying.

2. Displaying your nifties

Once you have your device selected and the Nifty Gateway app installed, you are ready to start displaying your nifties!

Start off by opening up the Nifty Gateway app, you should see a screen like this

You can now head over to You will see a screen looking like this

Input the registration code that is displayed on your device in the ‘Display Code’ field and then hit ‘Add Display’. Once you click ‘Add Display’, the page will refresh and you should see a new display interface displayed below looking similar to this

You have now added your first display! Be sure to name your display to keep track of it (something like ‘Living Room’). Now click the arrow next to the ‘Displaying’ drop-down banner. Here you will see a list of all your Nifty Gateway nifties. Select the nifty you want to display and then in less than 30 seconds this nifty will be displaying on your device!

What if my nifty is not contained in my Nifty Gateway account?

No problem! Just click on the ‘Display External Nifties’ button. This allows you to add any nifty from one of your verified wallets into the display app. You can also verify new wallet addresses from this page.

Configuration Options

You will see that the display interface has a couple different options other than the nifty selection. I will explain what each option does here

Background Color: This determines the color displayed in the free space behind your nifty. When you click background color it will open up a color selection palette. Clicking anywhere on this palette will set the background color. You can play around with different options until you find something that really fits your nifty.

Orientation: This determines what direction your nifty will display on screen. Selecting different options will cause your display to rotate within your screen. This allows you to set your display device in any direction you please.

Display Banner: This allows you to toggle a banner showing below your nifty displaying its name and your user profile name.

Display QR: This allows you to toggle a QR Code showing in the bottom right of your screen that will take you to a website showing your nifty when scanned.

These options should give you the power to display your nifty in a way that is perfect for you.

3. Show it off

Once you have your nifty displaying proper, then comes the most important part. Show that bad boy off! Invite friends over, post on social media, rub the beautiful artwork in your spouses face. Do it big. If you have made it this far, nifties have clearly taken up a good amount of your time and money so you might as well get the fruits of your labor. Lastly, be sure to use #ngdisplay when sharing on social media so we can see your works of art!

Thank you for taking the time to read about Nifty Gateway Displays. If you have any feedback about the display or this post, please email All feedback is welcome!

