Never Give Up Your Dream

Pierre A. Kandorfer, Ph.D.
1 min readApr 18, 2023


Millions of people have big dreams with virtually no hope of success. Man of them give up because they think not being creative enough. Not true. My latest book examines the topic and concludes: If you can dream it, you can do it!

Dreams are one of the most important priorities in our lives. Following our dreams gives our lives significance, enables us to think beyond ourselves, inspire us, promotes our enthusiasm, and generates optimism. A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes our mind, will, and emotions. The book “Never give up your dream” explains why our dreams give us an unmistakable feeling of of self-awareness.

Dreaming is a “library of the unexpected” that scares many people, but dreamers thrive and pride themselves on pursuing it. Your big dream is your internal compass that guides you through your life’s journey. A simple advice: Admit to be scared, reject social pressures, get our of your comfort zone, celebrate your uniqueness, and live for the future. Follow your passion Dream big, the reality will adjust your if necessary.

More information is available at NeverGiveUpYourDream.US

