Pierre Alain Varreon
1 min readAug 26, 2017


Dearest Tas, once again you made me dreaming, thanks a huge lot .

If I were a painter I would draw a smile on your face,

If I were an architect I would build a temple of tenderness four your smile,

If I were a composer I would erect a cathedral of arpeges for your tenderness,

If I were a writer I would set a language of inner harmony just for you and your beloved ones,

If I were a landscaper I would create a paradise of myths for you and your beloved ones,

If I were a photographer I would capture your smile in a temple set as a cathedral of arpeges, in where the tenderness would speak the language of inner harmony alongside the myths flying over a landscaped paradise;

If I were a God I would write verses of love for your smile and glance as so to propose you to marry your tenderness.

ps- I am actually an architect but an ‘unobsessed’ one.

Cheers Tas have a great week end, pierre a v

