That ‘hidden gem’ from Elon Musk’s Cyber-truck launch

Pierre F. Rio
2 min readNov 25, 2019


Photograph: TESLA

That moment when the *INDESTRUCTIBLE* Cyber-truck’s windows cracked… HA.

This will go down as one of the best moment in Launch history.
Probably #2, right after Steve Jobs’ iPhone launch.

Do you agree?

I heard some say it was a PR stunt.
And honestly, I could see that.

“Give a juicy reason to media to talk about you, and they will!
Give a juicy — not in your favour, reason to people to talk about you, and they will even more!!” — Said me.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with what I wanted to tell you.

But I thought it was a funny moment, you should check it out if you haven’t.

For now, continue reading.

So here’s the scoop:
Elon Musk tweeted yesterday at 6.18pm: “200k”.

That’s the number of deposits made for a Cyber-truck pre-order of $100.

$100 — Not much you’ll say.

I’ve seen many ask “how much is the truck sold for?” — Trying to figure out how much Musk has potentially made in sales on this launch.

Frankly, I don’t believe this is relevant.

What is truly mind-blowing to me is this…

The ability of Tesla to get their market to vote, with their wallet.

Any startup founder understands the value of testing their offer and sales message.
But testing oftentimes isn’t done “right” by us, founders in my opinion.

In fact, I don’t believe a vote should count unless the voter went through the effort to take his credit card out of his wallet and paid from its own money to vote.

**So I should get people to pay for my product that doesn’t exist first??**


Now you’re a player.

Elon now knows this ‘FO SHO’:
His market wants a new kind, bold, sustainable, strong and clean truck.

And they know this also: their sales message of changing the statue-quo resonates with their market.

Because here is the deal: Ford F-150 sold over 900,000 trucks this year and with 2 other pickup models, they are the 3 most sold vehicles in USA.

If your ambition is to take a large piece of that pie but you are going against established competition with more experience and more resources than you…

(Sounds like your business doesn’t it?)

You *might* want to consider testing your assumptions about your offer and sales message.

My friend, if you are launching a product, now is not time to scale…

Now is time to validate your idea with a vote from your market’s wallet.

If what you’re doing is free, like my daily growth email tips, then just ask your people to subscribe.

Like I said, it’s free:

Until tomorrow,
Pierre-F Rio

#tesla #elonmusk #Cybertruck #thefoundersfuel

