Why publishers need to take action on climate change today

Piers Torday
4 min readAug 17, 2021


We can’t profit from addressing the world’s greatest crisis whilst perpetuating it.


From over 100 British writers and illustrators

As last week’s IPCC report makes clear, humanity stands on the threshold of catastrophic, irreversible climate change. 9 out of the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 2005. Human-induced warming reached approximately 1°C above pre-industrial levels in 2017, increasing at 0.2°C per decade.

The effects of this warming are around us every day, from the terrifying fires in the Mediterranean to those blazing across the West Coast of the US, the floods from Germany to China. These are not freak events, they are symptoms of a rapidly warming world.

We cannot reverse climate change, we can only limit it to 1.5°C. To get us on track, countries and companies around the world are setting more ambitious targets. The UK aims to reach net zero by 2050, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 68% by the end of the decade.

At the moment of writing this, more than 650 companies have set targets with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), in line with the 1.5°C trajectory. 110 companies are also participating in The Climate Pledge, aiming to reach the Paris Agreement goals 10 years early.

But as a group of writers and illustrators, passionate about communicating the urgency of the situation, the possibility of a more sustainable world and setting a good example to our readers, we are dismayed that so few UK publishers and literary agencies have signed up to these goals or made public their sustainability targets.

We call upon every publisher and literary agency operating in the UK to commit to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. We have a responsibility to our readers and our communities to publish sustainably and ethically at this moment of crisis. We cannot simultaneously profit from addressing our greatest crisis whilst perpetuating it.

Climate action failure is the #1 global risk to every one of us. Climate change is real, it is impacting us now, and we cannot delay action.

This is our call to action today:

Please commit to, develop and implement programmes that reduce your greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.

The window for action is narrowing every day. The time to act is now.


Lou Abercrombie

Tim Allman

Kim Andrews

Zoe Armstrong

Yaba Badoe

Susanna Bailey

Adam Baron

Dr. Fiona Barker

Marie Basting

Penny Batchelor

Dr. Amy-Louise Beer

Julie Bertagna

Zillah Bethell

Rob Biddulph

Jasbinder Bilan

Sita Brahmachari

Matt Brown

Stephanie Burgis

Cerrie Burnell

Aisha Bushby

Jess Butterworth

Elen Caldecott

Laura Caputo-Wickham

Anne Charnock

Alistair Chisolm

Jo Clarke

Dom Conlon

Steve Cole

Ronali Collings

Barbara Copperthwaite

Andreina Cordani

Stephanie Cotela

Alex Cottter

Jo Cotterill

Frank Cottrell-Boyce

Cressida Cowell

Paul Ian Cross

Pias Dasgupta

A.M. Dassu

Nicola Davies

Chloe Daykin

Sarah J. Dodd

Martin Dorey

Berlie Doherty

Sally Doherty

Judith Eagle

Christopher Edge

Joseph Elliot

Abi Elphinstone

Catherine Emmett

Miranda Emmerson

Maz Evans

Natasha Farrant

Nizrana Farook

Rab Ferguson

Louise Finch

Philippa R. Francis

Jess French

Ele Fountain

Lindsay Galvin

Georgia Gant

Sally Gardner

Amy Gerrish

Debbie Gliori

Francesca Gibbons

Guinevere Glasfurd

Hannah Gold

Pippa Goodhart

Candy Gourlay

Linda Green

Jamie Greenwood

Peadar Ó Guilín

Joan Haig

Smriti Halls

Vashti Hardy

Clare Harlow

A.F. Harrold

James Harris

Melissa Harrison

Tasha Harrison

Natasha Hastings

Caspar Henderson

Lu Hersey

Kelly Hill

Natasha Holmes

Lucy Hope

A.M. Howell

Tom Huddleston

Florianne Humphrey

Catherine Hyde

Liz Hyder

Ellie Irving

Emmi Itaranta

Catherine Jacob

Anna James

Lauren James

Liz Jensen

Mitch Johnson

Philip Kavvadias

Zoe Kear

Mitch Kenny

Pádraig Kenny

Sophie Kirtley

Harriet Kline

Maria Kuzniar

Josh Lacey

Laura Lam

LD Lapinski

Kieran Larwood

Neal Layton

Emma Lee

M G Leonard

Damien Lewis

Gill Lewis

Huw Lewis-Jones

Marianne Levy

Susanah Lloyd

Kate Mallinder

Bren Macdibble

Michael Mann

Josh Martin

Steve May

James Mayhew

Anthony McGowan

Bill McGuire

Dara McAnulty

Hilary McKay

Anna McKerrow

James Miller

Kiran Millwood Hargrave

Jamie Mollart

Lydia Monks

Ross Montgomery

Miranda Moore

Beth Morrey

Jackie Morris

Stephen Moss

Harriet Muncaster

Emma Mylrea

Lee Newberry

Linda Newbery

Sally Nicholls

Marisa Noelle

Gregory Norminton

H S Norup

Sinéad O’Hart

Matt Oldfield

Sam Osborne

Loris Owen

Elisa Paganelli

Kate Pankhurst

Michael Pawlyn

Jenny Pearson

Nicola Penfold

Richard Pickard

Julie Pike

Sally Purdie

Emily Randall

Emma Read

Clare Rees

Emma Reynolds

Clare Rivers

Dashe Roberts

Katherine Rundell

Jamie Russell

Rebecca Rouillard

John Shelley

Melinda Salisbury

Fiona Sandiford

Kate Sawyer

Clare Saxby

Helen Scales

Paul Schofield

Sam Sedgman

Marcus Sedgwick

Ally Sherrick

Francesca Simon

Anthea Simmons

Darrren Simpson

Nicky Singer

Rashmi Sirdeshpande

Nicola Skinner

Carlie Sorosiak

Chitra Soundar

Mark Stay

Kristina Stephenson

Lauren St John

Louie Stowell

Alexandra Strick

Leisa Stuart-Sharpe

Chrissy Sturt

Tricia Sullivan

Karen Swann

William Sutcliffe

Teri Terry

Nicola Thackery

Mimi Thebo

Isabel Thomas

David Thorpe

Tim Tilley

Sarah Topley

Hana Tooke

Piers Torday

Laura Trinder

Kael Tudor

Dominique Valente

Christopher Vick

Tamara Walcough

Carolyn Ward

Beth Waters

Melissa Welliver

Clare Helen Welsh

Stuart White

Graeme Williams

Sophie Wills

Harry Woodgate

Damaris Young

Yuval Zommer



Piers Torday

Writer | Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize | Books: #thelastwild #theremaybeacastle #thelostmagician #thewildbefore| Plays: #boxofdelights #christmascarol |