Apartment Management System Project in PHP with Source Code

4 min readJun 10, 2024

Apartment Management System Project in PHP is used to help people in apartments pay bills like maintenance bills and water bills, make a complaint, and update their information.

The goal of the system is to have a system that can do a lot of different things like pay bills, make complaints, and update tenants’ information online.

This will make the system more effective, efficient, and interactive, and it will also solve the problems that come up when using the current system.

About The Project

The Apartment Management System in PHP with Source Code is developed using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, and Ajax, this project is a simple mini-project for managing the apartments.

Apartment Management System is the best software for managing highly customizable apartments, flats, buildings, or any kind of real estate property.

This property management system project in PHP will help you control the whole apartment in your hand at a glance.

This Apartment Management System PHP Project has a steps dashboard like an Admin Dashboard, Apartment Owner Dashboard, Employee Dashboard, and Renter Dashboard.

Admin can control all and Owner can Monitor Renter all, the employee can check his info, and the renter can also check his all information.

If you manage an apartment it will give you full flexibility.

It can handle all apartment calculations and reporting with all flexible settings.

As an Apartment Management Project in PHP, allows a person to search for an apartment, it will also help in maintaining the information of the people in the particular apartment, number of apartments, and so on.

The user interface must be simple and easy to understand even by the common man.

Moreover, this Property management system will help in reducing the pen paper work through which we store details of the people who stay in the apartment.

You will be really impressed when you use it because has smooth operation, user user-friendly interface, full functionality, and compatible features.


  1. Admin Panel
  2. View Employee information
  3. Maintenance Cost
  4. Renter Panel
  5. User Management
  6. Add, Edit, Remove, and View Apartments
  7. View Reports

To start running an Apartment Management System PHP with Source Code make sure that you have sublime and XAMPP installed on your PC(for Windows).

Steps On How To Run The Apartment Management System Project in PHP with Source Code

These are the steps on how to run an Apartment Management System Project in PHP with Source Code.

  • Step 1: Download the source code.

First, download the source code given below.

Step 2: Extract file.

  • Second, after you finish downloading the source code, extract the zip file.

Step 3: Copy the project folder.

  • Third, copy the project folder and paste it into the xampp/htdocs/ folder.

Step 4: Open xampp.

  • Fourth, open xampp and start Apache and MySQL.

Step 5: Open the browser.

  • Fifth, Open a browser and go to the URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”.

Step 6: Create a database.

  • Sixth, click on the databases tab and Create a database name “ams_db”.

Step 7: Import “ams_db.sql”.

  • Seventh, Click on browse file and select “ams_db.sql” file which is inside the “apartment” folder, and after import click “go“.

Step 8: Open the browser and type the folder name.

  • Eight, Open a browser and go to the URL “http://localhost/apartment/“.

You can download the complete source code of the Apartment Management System in PHP from here. ⬇️⬇️⬇️


The Apartment Management System is the best software for managing highly customizable apartments, flats, buildings, or any kind of real estate property.

This property management system project in PHP will help you control the whole apartment in your hand at a glance.

This project is highly customizable and can be adapted to meet your specific requirements.

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Experienced software developer, content writing, and instructor. I am eager to learn and share my knowledge and expertise in computer programming.