What is Ruby on Rails? | Top 5 Ruby On Rails Projects For Beginners

4 min readJan 25, 2024


Do you wondering what is Ruby on Rails?

In this article, I’m going to discuss about Ruby and I will you the Top 5 Ruby On Rails Projects For Beginners.

Apart from that you can download the complete source code just for Free!

Sounds so good right, mainly because you can practice Ruby on Rails with the example system below.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Rails is a server-side web application framework built in Ruby and released under the MIT License.

Rails is a model–view–controller framework that includes default database, web service, and web page architectures.

What is Ruby on Rails used for?

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application development framework. Rails is a website development framework based on Ruby, a general-purpose computer language.

It’s used to build various web applications, from online shopping sites to social media platforms.

Its strength lies in its ability to quickly prototype and develop web applications that require a database.

Rails is equipped to manage tasks such as HTML template rendering, database updates, email handling, live page maintenance, job queuing for asynchronous tasks, cloud storage for uploads, and providing robust security protections.

The vogueishness of Rails is one of the reasons Ruby is among the top 10 programming languages.

Is ruby on rails still relevant?

In terms of its current relevance, Ruby on Rails remains a potent tool.

Despite being more than 15 years old, it’s still widely used due to its benefits like rapid development, user-friendly syntax, scalability, and extensibility.

Its popularity has been on the rise over the years, making it a suitable choice for a variety of projects.

However, its suitability would depend on the specific requirements and context of the project.

Top 5 Ruby On Rails Projects with Free Source Code For Beginners

Here’s the top 5 Ruby on Rails Projects for Beginners:

1. Human Resource Management System in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

This project for Human Resource Management System in Ruby on Rails is my attempt to create a Ruby on Rails-based open source human resource management system.

This project is an attempt to demonstrate my knowledge of Ruby on Rails with a large project that includes numerous HCM Modules.

Features of Human Resource Management System Project in Ruby on Rails:

  • View each employee’s pay.
  • Separate high-paid personnel from the rest of the workforce.
  • Employees with poor performance who earn a high income should be separated.
  • Employees with great performance but low attendance should be separated.

You can download the complete source code here:

➡️ Human Resource Management System in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

2. Library Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

The “Library Management System project in Ruby on Rails” is a library management software for monitoring and controlling transactions in a library.

It is written in Ruby on Rails and focuses on basic operations in a library such as adding new members, new books, and updating new information, as well as searching books and members to borrow and return books.

You can download the complete source code here:

➡️Library Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

3. Hospital Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

The main goal of Hospital Management System Project in Ruby on Rails is to establish an atmosphere that allows us to be self-sufficient and healthy.

Features of Hospital Management System Project in Ruby on Rails:

  • Doctor appointments can be viewed and made.
  • vitals to view and develop
  • Vitals are monitored and visualized.
  • Prescriptions and medicines can be seen and created.
  • Doctor appointments, schedules, and reschedules can be viewed and created.
  • Doctors can see and create notifications.
  • Monitor and display the availability of medicines

You can download the complete source code here:

➡️Hospital Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

4. Inventory Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

Inventory Management System Project in Ruby on Rails will provide restaurants with an easy-to-use interface for controlling their grocery inventory based on each item sold.

The core concept is that each item is linked to its atomic components, which are kept in a database.

The system assesses the overall sale of menu items at the end of each day and deducts the appropriate amount from the resource database correspondingly.

The system then compares the current available resources to each ingredient’s threshold level.

It will take action if specific elements are found to be below the threshold.

You can download the complete source code here:

➡️Inventory Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

5. School Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code

The School Management System software automates the situation of a student’s life cycle from enrollment to graduation.

Admission Pass-out, maintain academic records, facilitate teamwork, and allow school to assemble.

Account cards are printed for fees and behavior exams.

You can download the complete source code here:

➡️School Management System Project in Ruby on Rails with Source Code


I have already provided a comprehensive overview of Ruby on Rails, a powerful and relevant web application development framework.

This overview highlights its uses, strengths, and the reasons for its enduring popularity.

Additionally, I’ve shared the top 5 beginner-friendly projects in Ruby on Rails, each complete with free source code for hands-on practice.

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Experienced software developer, content writing, and instructor. I am eager to learn and share my knowledge and expertise in computer programming.