Day 1 — start-up plan

Our startup insights, delivered on the fly

Pieter Moorman
1 min readDec 9, 2014

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Hi, I’m Pieter Moorman and I’m based here in Bali running a small team within a start-up that I co-founded in 2013, called Vicancy. We’ve been experimenting with remote working and I’m really enjoying the open, sharing experience that we get as members of Hubud.

At Start-up Weekend Bali last month, I started working on a new business idea. Initial responses suggest it’s a viable business so Artem & I decided to test it out.

We’ve noticed that there are many other people at a similar stage of testing an idea, so I thought it would be cool to open up our thinking and process for everyone to see, ask questions and learn from. I’m hoping we’ll learn plenty along the way too.

This will be a different type of blog post, one where the objective is to teach the lean start-up approach in a real-time kind of way. The emphasis will be on giving full transparency of our thinking and working notes in its raw form, for example how we use the lean canvas. You’ll read exactly what we read.

We’ll create the rest of the story as we go and as we learn. Like any start-up, the main thing is to get started, so with that, please take a look at our Day 1 Start-Up Plan and post your comments!

Link to the notes: Day 1 Start-Up Plan

Catch you in a week or so!


Pieter Moorman (

