Spring and React.js: the easy way

Pietro Ghezzi
2 min readNov 21, 2017

I always found Spring framework the most difficult to master, due to its very complex xml configuration.

Webpack also isn’t the best to configure. There are many setups: the loaders for fonts, images, css, etc…, babel for using es6 syntax and other properties that sometimes are tricky to get right.

For those reasons I tried to find an easy way, that I’m going to illustrate in this article, to create a react.js app on top of an existing Spring project (required version >= 3), without the hassle of Spring’s and Webpack’s configuration.

To create a new react app with no build configuration, create-react-app is the best choice!

npm install -g create-react-app

Let’s assume our spring project’s structure as follow


From the root directory of the project we create a new apps folder and inside of this folder we run: create-react-app [name_of_the_app]. We use demo as name for the react app.

In our new react project we need to change the package.json.

  • proxy: in development mode react app will run on webpack-dev-server on a different port. To enable server calls from the client we need to specify the proxy with the server address.
“proxy”: “localhost:8080”
  • build: move the build folder to make it available as resource in the Spring project
"build": "react-scripts build && rm -rf ../../src/main/resources/demo/build/ && mv build/ ../../src/main/resources/demo/"
  • homepage: specify the path of the build with the static files.
"homepage": "/demo/build"

The project structure will now look


/demo (react build will go here!)

In Spring project we have to make sure that DispatcherServlet is present in web.xml and resource mapping directory is specified.

<mvc:resources mapping=”/resources/**” location=”/resources/” />

Here is the controller to serve our react application

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
public class MainController {
public String index() {
return “index”;

The index.jsp will simply include the build of our react app

<%@include file=”/resources/demo/build/index.html”%>

Now if you run your spring application and browse localhost:8080/myapp you should see your react app up and running!


here is a working demo using Spring boot.

NOTE: with Spring boot DispatcherServlet is already configured.

